
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年05月08日 12:45   国际在线

  What will Jen say? Aniston's best friend Courteney Cox and ex husband Brad Pitt dine together

  She is a card-carrying member of Team Aniston, but it seemsCourteney Cox put her allegiance aside last night. The Cougar Town starjoined her best friend's ex husband Brad Pitt for dinner at Hollywoodrestaurant Beso. The two were part of a group of 12 people attending adinner party to celebrate their manager Cynthia Pett-Dante's birthday.A-list dinner: Courteney Cox and Brad Pitt both dined together with agroup of friends at Beso in Hollywood last night Allegiance aside:Courteney counts Jennifer Aniston as her best friend 'They hugged andkissed when they greeted each other,' an onlooker tells America'sPeople magazine. 'They talked for a while.' While they did not sit nextto each other, they did spent a considerable amount of time together。

  'They were chatting, catching up,' the onlooker added. 'Theyboth seemed happy and totally relaxed, very at ease. And they were bothsmiling the entire time. It didn't seem awkward at all.'

  Brad, 47, and Jennifer, 42, split six years ago - he now hassix children with his Mr and Mrs Smith co-star Angelina Jolie while sheis currently single. Courteney, 46, comforted her former Friendsco-star after the high profile divorce and Jennifer often joined herfamily on holidays and special occasions. The Just Go With It star isalso godmother to her 6-year-old daughter, Coco




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