麦当娜与小男友分手 小正太称很开心

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年05月09日 14:45   国际在线
麦当娜与小男友分手 小正太称很开心麦当娜与小男友分手 小正太称很开心

  流行天后麦当娜最近被爆已经与24岁的小男友分手,据称宗教信仰不同是二人分道扬镳最主要原因。麦当娜已经这位法国舞男Brahim Zaibat交往持续了9个月,虽然52岁的麦当娜比小男友Zaibat的妈妈还要大,但两人年龄的差距并没有阻止两人相恋。


  He's 24, but she is older than his mother. He’s a strict Muslim, she has fervent Kabbalah beliefs。

  So it was hardly likely to last. Madonna, 52, has split from her lover Brahim Zaibat, a hip-hop dancer, after nine months, the Daily Mail has learned。

  Last night a close friend of Zaibat’s said sarcastically: ‘Who’s Madonna?’

  The friend added: ‘Brahim has been home and he’s a single guy。

  ‘He’s no longer an item with Madonna. He’s very happy. There’s nothing more to say.’

  He is believed to be lying low at his family’s home in Lyon in France。

  But Madonna was happy to be pictured stepping out alone at the Annual Costume Institute gala in New York this week. She sparkled in a floor-length blue gown adorned with stars down its back and designed by her friend Stella McCartney。

  Referring to Madonna’s devotion to Kabbalah, a mystical branch of Judaism, a source close to Zaibat added: ‘Brahim’s family had told him they did not want him going to Kabbalah meetings and wanted him to stick to his Muslim beliefs, which caused some rows。

  ‘Things started to turn sour and they were hardly seeing each other.’

  The couple met in September last year and had been spotted at some of London’s most exclusive restaurants。

  Last year Zaibat’s mother Patricia Vidal told how she received a call from her son, who was in New York, when he revealed: ‘I’ve got a new girlfriend.’


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