英女子对所有食物过敏 只靠米饭生存![]() A British woman who developed wide-ranging food allergies more than ten years ago has been forced to survive on a daily diet of rice. Micaela Stafford, 53, used to love fried breakfasts and roast dinners but her body now rejects any food that include dairy, gluten, wheat, sugars, oils and fats。 英国一名女子10年前患上大范围食物过敏症,自此只能靠白米饭生存。据了解,现年53岁的米凯拉曾喜欢油炸类早餐和烧烤类晚餐,但是如今她的身体排斥包括奶制品、麸质品、小麦、糖类、油类及脂肪类的任何食物。 Dieticians, gastroenterologists and even neurologists have been baffled by Micaela's condition, which began in 1999 when she started getting headaches from dairy food. As the years passed, the foods she could no longer eat increased - to the point where only rice remains。 米凯拉的病发作于1999年,当时她一食用奶制品就头疼,营养学家、胃肠病学家乃至神经系统专家被搞得焦头烂额。随着时间流逝,她不能食用的食物种类与日俱增——直到仅剩下了大米。 Micaela has been forced to stop eating meals out at restaurants because almost all restaurants use oils in their cooking - even when making rice. She takes a gas cooker, pots, pans and rice with her on days out so she can cook food on the move。 米凯拉因此不能在外就餐,因为几乎所有餐馆做饭都会用油——甚至做米饭也会。于是她外出都会随身携带着燃气炉、锅碗瓢盆和大米,走到哪儿做到哪儿。 If she eats something she shouldn't Micaela suffers prolonged migraines, horrendous sickness and diarrhea and joint pains all over her body. Micaela said: "If I have something I shouldn't, I have to go to bed for a week. My body shuts down." 而如果吃了不合适的东西,米凯拉便会长时间偏头痛、严重恶心、腹泻乃至全身关节痛。米凯拉称:“如果吃了不该吃的东西,我就得卧床一个礼拜。身体机能就会停止运转。” Medical experts fear she could suffer serious health problems as the illness, which has never been, diagnosed, prevents her from getting nutrients。 而医生担忧米凯拉会因这个罕见的疾病而无法摄入营养,引发严重的健康问题。 "I just want my life back. I do not want to live like this. I would do anything to be able to taste a curry again. And I miss ice cream and desserts so much. I just want something with flavor," said Micaela。 “我只想过正常生活。我不想这样过日子。为了尝一下咖喱我不惜一切。我还怀念有冰激凌和甜点的日子。我只是想吃些有味道的东西,”米凯拉说道。 Micaela says the condition has ruined her life. She suffers from a constant lack of energy so much so that she had to give up her job in catering ten years ago. She is now practically housebound。 米凯拉称这种疾病毁了她的生活。她身体持久乏力,不得不在10年前就放弃了餐饮承办的工作。如今她几乎足不出户。 网友评论 |