
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年05月12日 12:03   东方今报

  A happy Mother’s Day is filled with surprises.  Begin Mother’s Day with breakfast in bed. Now that the breakfast is prepared knock softly on the bedroom door. Whisper softly, “Sorry to bother, but I’ve brought breakfast in bed。”Take a bow and exit at once for Mother’s Day has just begun.  You still have a lot of work to do!


  Rush to the kitchen and quickly clean up.  Sweep the floors! Dust the shelves! Pick up after yourself!  Do the Laundry!  Mop the Bathroom! Once the house is spick and span, it’s time to decorate. Some  new  family  photos would be nice。


  This next part is very important.  Make a card.  You could buy one from the store but one by hand would really show that you care. So, to my Mother.  Thank You!  Thank You for all the days I forgot to thank you.  Thank You for picking me up when I fell. Thank You for caring for me when I was sick.  Thank You for all the big things you’ve done for me and all the little ones too.  Thank You Mom, Thank You。




  东方今报记者 朱红珍


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