The animals, created using the tube lines, stations and junctions of the London Underground map were first spotted by Paul Middlewick in 1988. The original animal, the elephant was discovered while Paul was staring at the tube map during his daily journey home from work。 1988年,英国艺术家Paul Middlewick首次把伦敦地铁轨道线、站点和换乘点相链接,创造了这些动物图案。最初的这幅大象图就是他每天上下班途中盯着伦敦地铁图发现的。 地铁羚羊
Since then, the elephant has been joined by many others from bats to antelope。 从那时起,从老鼠到羚羊,越来越多的动物被创造出来。 地铁里的鸟
It's part of human nature to see patterns where none exist. If you stare long enough at the London Underground, strange creatures might start to appear。 对于发现原本不存在的样式是人类的天性。如果你对着伦敦地铁图盯上足够长的时间,你也可能发现其它种类的动物。 地铁里的狗
These are the Animals on the Underground, over 30 have been “found”, someone has even turned these into a book。 这些就是地铁里的动物们,现在已经发现的种类超过了30种,有些好事者甚至已将他们编册成书了。 鸵鸟
New animals are being discovered all the time, if you want to be the next artist, why not have a try? 人们总在不停地发现着新的动物种类,如果你想成为下一个艺术家,那为什么不试一试呢? 网友评论 |