布吕尼戛纳缺席 放豪言胜过伊丽莎白

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年05月16日 10:14   国际在线
布吕尼戛纳缺席 放豪言胜过伊丽莎白布吕尼戛纳缺席 放豪言胜过伊丽莎白

  Carla Bruni has boasted that she is more popular than the Queen – in the eyes of Woody Allen, at least. The French first lady makes her acting debut with a small cameo role in the U.S. director’s latest film, Midnight in Paris. She told a radio interviewer: ‘When he [Allen] was asked in a press conference if he’d dream of casting the Queen of England, he said he’d rather cast me, which made me extremely happy and a lot of my artist friends – actors and actresses of which I have many – jealous.’



  New role: Carla Bruni-Sarkozy has a cameo role in Woody Allen's new film Midnight in Paris - as they are seen here filming The film’s premiere marked the start of the Cannes Film Festival on Wednesday. Miss Bruni, 43, failed to mention that she exasperated her director during filming by needing 35 takes to master a scene. She also took a swipe at U.S. first lady Michelle Obama, saying she would not have got the part ‘because she’s a lawyer’. Despite her brief appearance, the name ‘Carla Bruni’ even appears on the official film poster above that of Oscar winner Marion Cottilard – an unprecedented feat for a bit-part actress。



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