
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年05月18日 11:11   沪江英语

  3.Foetal Postion 蜷成一团

3.Foetal Postion 蜷成一团 3.Foetal Postion 蜷成一团

  GOOD FOR: Lower back pain


  BAD FOR: Neck pain, headaches


  WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: Sleeping like this can help repair wear and tear in the back. it is important to make sure the neck is kept in alignment

  with the rest of the body. In other words, ensure that your pillow is not too high or too low, as this can strain the muscles and nerves in the neck, leading to head and neck pain in the morning。


  ACTION: Finding a pillow that properly fills the gap between the shoulders and the neck will help to prevent any neck strain or headaches. Get your partner to lie in this position and look at their spine and neck — they should be in a straight line. 


  4.Spooning 侧抱

4.Spooning 侧抱 4.Spooning 侧抱

  GOOD FOR: Reducing stress


  BAD FOR: Causing aches and pains


  WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: Lying in each other’s arms can certainly boost the strength of a relationship. Physical touch, even while sleeping, can reduce feelings of stress in both men and women. However, this position can mean you are forcing your body into a position that can exacerbate existing aches and strains in the joints and muscles。


  ACTION: When sharing a bed with a partner, it is important to be selfish

  about your sleeping arrangements. Find a good starting position that is comfortable for you, even if this means putting distance between the two of you。


  5.The Sunbather 俯卧

5.The Sunbather 俯卧5.The Sunbather 俯卧

  GOOD FOR: Snoring


  BAD FOR: Teeth grinding, pain and numbness in hands


  WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: Sleeping on the front will help to prevent snoring, as the muscles of the throat will not sag backwards under gravity. However, if you’re a teeth grinder

  it can make the condition even worse. When people sleep on their front, their lower jaw is positioned further forward than normal. Also, you have to rotate your neck to either the left or right, causing strain on one side. Nerve compression occurs when the bones of the spine press on the nerves in the neck。


  ACTION: You could also try sleeping on a pillow placed lengthwise under your stomach to your shoulders, as this can help to reduce the arching of the back。


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