普京化身漫画英雄 大战僵尸拯救乘客Russia's Vladimir Putin saves the day as a martial arts superhero in a comic strip spreading on the Russian Internet, where he teams up with bearskin-wearing sidekick Dmitry Medvedev。 The comic strip, apparently the first in a series about "Super Putin, Man Like Any Other" is available on www.superputin.ru and is set in Moscow "one year before the end of the world." Russia will choose its next president in 2012 and observers have their eyes peeled for any indication of whether current President Medvedev or Prime Minister Putin will seek the six-year-term as head of the country。 Although one of the strip's creators said it was drawn by pro bono artists, some Internet users hinted darkly that it may be a part of a behind-the-scenes campaign or was even commissioned by the Kremlin。 With a plot line resembling the 1990s US action film "Speed", the strip shows a kimono-wearing Putin -- described as a man "with a Nordic character" -- save a busload of people from a bomb blast。 "I will go no slower than 80 km/h," Putin says, gritting his teeth。 As he speeds ahead, he receives help from "nano-human" Medvedev, who unzips a frightening bear costume and sends a crawling iPad to deactivate the explosive。 The strip pokes fun at Putin's judo hobby and Medvedev's penchant for technological gadgets。 The bus is then attacked by a crowd of zombies that scream "Let us elect governors!" and "Free Khodorkovsky!" with Putin facing them in the final act。 The strip's writer Sergei Kalenik said it took two weeks to create and was not a paid project。 "We wanted to stir Russia's depressing political scene and create some dialogue," he told the reporters。。 He said some media outlets had refused to publish the strip because it refers to Medvedev as a "gnome"。 一部以俄罗斯总理弗拉基米尔•普京为主角的连环漫画近日在俄罗斯网上流传。普京在漫画中化身为一位武艺高超的超级英雄,和一身熊皮装扮的搭档德米特里•梅德韦杰夫一起并肩作战。 该连环漫画系列主题为“超级普京——与其他人一样”,目前第一期已登载在www.superputin.ru网站上,背景为“世界末日”前一年的莫斯科。 俄罗斯将于2012年举行总统大选,观察家正密切注意现任总统梅德韦杰夫或者总理普京是否将竞选下届任期六年的总统。 尽管漫画的创作者之一表示漫画是由公益艺术家创作的,但一些网友仍隐晦地指出,这也许是幕后竞选活动的一部分,甚至是克林姆林宫指使的。 漫画的情节主线类似于上世纪90年代美国动作片《生死时速》,普京一身和服打扮,据称性格类似北欧人,他在一次炸弹爆炸来临前拯救了一辆巴士中的众多民众。 普京咬紧牙关说:“时速不会低于80公里。” 在飞速前行时,普京还得到了“纳米人”梅德韦杰夫的帮助。梅德韦杰夫拉开令人畏惧的熊皮衣,掏出一部可以自动前行的iPad解除了爆炸装置。 漫画拿普京的柔道爱好和梅德韦杰夫对科技产品的喜爱开起了玩笑。 巴士随后被一群僵尸袭击,还喊道:“让我们选出统治者吧!”和“自由的霍多尔科夫斯基(译者注:俄罗斯寡头,因贪污洗钱罪被判刑)!”在最后一个场景中,普京直面僵尸作战。 漫画家谢尔盖•卡列尼克称创作耗时两周,没有人为此出钱。 他告诉记者:“我们想给俄罗斯沉闷的政治舞台增添一点趣味,创造一些话题。” 他表示由于梅德韦杰夫在漫画中被描述为“侏儒”,某些媒体拒绝出版。 网友评论 |