哈佛高材生发表系列图表 揭秘网络约会技巧

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年05月25日 17:29   环球网

  More people have ventured into the potentially hazardous waters of online dating than would care to admit - and some of their adventures have been truly hair-raising. Now a group of former Harvard math majors are crunching the data to reveal the secret tips of the online dater, displaying them in - naturally - graph form。

  Men, for example, should show off their six pack if they have one - but only if they're young. Meanwhile women should always flirt with the camera - but men should look aloof。

  The OkTrends blog found at dating website OkCupid have been charting various trends - such as how long relationships last among Twitter users - since 2009. One of the blog's tips is to ask your date if they've ever wanted to run away to sea, whether they enjoyed the Blair Witch Project, or their past travel experiences。

  The reasoning, the bloggers explained, was that according to the thousands of multiple choice "match questions" answered by OkCupid's seven million users, couples who met on the site agreed most often on three questions in particular: "Do you like horror movies?", "Have you ever travelled around another country alone?", and "Wouldn't it be fun to chuck it all and go live on a sailboat?"

  Experts said that these types of questions are measuring the "openness to experience" or the O Factor. “People who seek stimulation and adventure... they'd be less likely to establish and comfortably maintain a relationship with very traditional, conservative, unimaginative, risk-avoidant individuals,” said Western Carolina psychology department head David McCord。

  Women were also told to flirty with the camera for their profile photo. If so, they received on average 1.5 additional messages per month。

  That's because a woman's smile is well-documented as a signal of sexual interest, said University of Texas psychology professor David Buss. When men were ordered to be aloof on camera, they had a roughly 90 percent success rate with their emails than otherwise. Smiling is sometimes interpreted as a sign of submissiveness。

  The data also showed that women who showed a bit of cleavage had better results - vastly better results as they got older. Women's mate value declines with age, but they can compensate for their decline in mate value by showing their cleavage。

  According to OkCupid, an 18-year-old woman with a cleavage shot in her profile gets 24 percent more contacts per month on average than more demure 18-year-olds. If she does it at age 32, that jumps to 79 percent。

  For men, the inverse is true. Male online daters should show off their six packs in their profile pictures, but only if they are young. That's because women in their 30s are less interested in the man's body than whether or not he will be a good provider. Women who see and older man showing off his abs will just think he is silly。

  Another tip was both to subtract two inches from the height your potential date claims to be - and 20 percent from their salary. For men, the experts said, this makes sense. Height suggests good health and genes; while wealth, obviously, suggests resources. Men deceive about their status and income in order to make themselves seem more desirable to women, stated Dr Buss. Women, however, may not be lying。

  If a woman is trying to get dates online, according to experts, she must be having difficulty in real life. That could be because she is Amazonian. They also may have a bigger paycheque than the average man。














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