
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年05月26日 10:24   环球时报

  A comedian performed a stand-up routine to a field of cows in an experiment intended to see if they have a sense of humour。

  Milton Jones was joined by cow expert Bruce Woodacre on a Hertfordshire farm to test the reaction of a herd of fresians。

  He performed a special set of visual and verbal jokes, called Pull The Udder One, while Mr Woodacre monitored the cows' reaction。

  Mr Jones said: "Writing comedy for cows was very different to my day job but a comedian plays to his audience, so I wrote a raft of new material to really get under their hides。

  Mr Woodacre, who has studied cow behaviour for more than 40 years, said: "Happy cows are more productive. Most of the herd crowded closely round the stage and jostled for a good position. They had their mouths open and their ears laid back, indicating they were relaxed and content. Not everyone was entertained though - I definitely heard some low heckling moos and there were even a few walk-outs."







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