
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年05月30日 13:36   中国日报网-英语点津

  近几年,国内选择出国移民的人似乎越来越多。移民在国外的生活状况也是很多人关注的话题。很多在国内受过高等教育的人移民之后却只能做一些家政、快递等非脑力劳动的工作。国内的brain drain到国外成了brain waste。

  The term “brain waste” describes the situation of immigrants who were skilled professionals in their home countries but have been forced to take unskilled jobs in their new country。

  Brain waste(人才浪费)指在本国身为受过训练的专业人员在移民国被迫从事非技术性工作的情形。

  Most of these immigrants wind up underemployed because of barriers like language, lack of access to job networks, or credentialing requirements that are different from those in other countries。


  For immigrants, it means bringing home less money than they have the potential to earn. For employers, it means fewer skilled applicants in their hiring pools。


  If the labour market cannot absorb the migrants at the level of their qualifications, the phenomenon changes its nature: brain drain from the sending countries becomes 'brain waste' for the migrants。

  如果劳动力市场不能按照移民的资质将其吸收进来,那么移民来源国面临的将是brain drain(人才流失),而移民本身则面临“人才浪费”的境地。


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