朱丽赞皮特是纯爷们 首次爆未婚原因

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年06月03日 15:44   国际在线

  Proof of their on-screen sexual chemistry was apparent in their 2005 film Mr & Mrs Smith. But just in case anyone was in any doubt, Angelina Jolie has opened up about partner Brad Pitt, gushing about how he ticks all the right boxes. Angie, 35, who has six children with 47-year-old Pitt, praised his parenting abilities, as well as describing him as a 'real man'. Hollywood hot couple: Angelina has speaks warmly of partner Brad Pitt in a new interiew, pictured here together last week at The Tree of Life premiere in LA

  'I am very lucky with Brad,' she said in an interview with the Daily Telegraph. 'He is a real gentleman, but he is also a real man’s man. 'He’s got the wonderful balance of being an extraordinary, great, loving father, a very, very intelligent man.' He's a real man': Seen here together in their iconic movie Mr & Mrs Smith The blushing actress continued: 'And physically he’s a real man,' adding: 'In all things that it means.'


  In a recent interview, Brad said he and Angelina, who have been together six years are considering whether to tie the knot. He told USA Weekend: 'The kids ask about marriage. It's meaning more and more to them. So it's something we've got to look at.' A taste for wedding cake: Angelina has been married twice before - to Johnny Lee Miller (left) and to Billy Bob Thornton (right)



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