伦敦奥运火炬揭晓 遭网民拍砖

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年06月09日 14:52   中国日报网-英语点津
伦敦奥运火炬揭晓 遭网民拍砖伦敦奥运火炬揭晓

  This is the golden torch that will be carried by the 8,000 runners on the London 2012 relay。

  The Olympic Flame will burn from a curved triangular aluminium tube which has a lace-like mesh complete with 8,000 holes - one to represent each torchbearer。

  But some critics have taken to the internet to label the design of the torch reminiscent of a 'cheese grater'。

  The triangular shape of the torch also symbolises the three times that London has staged the Games - 1908, 1948 and 2012. This is a special feat in Olympic history。

  The torch, which will carry the Olympic Flame to the London 2012 Games opening ceremony, has been created by design duo Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby。

  London 2012 chairman Lord Coe said: 'The torch that carries the Olympic Flame during the Olympic Torch Relay is one of the most recognisable and significant symbols of an Olympic Games。

  'Members of the public right across the UK are busy nominating inspiring people to be torchbearers and I am thrilled we have a beautifully-designed, engineered and crafted torch for them to carry。”

  London 2012's Olympic torch relay will start on May 19 in Land's End and travel as far as the outer Hebrides。

  An average of 110 people a day will take centre stage by carrying the Olympic Flame on its journey around the UK before it arrives at the Olympic Stadium on July 27 for the lighting of the cauldron at the Opening Ceremony, signifying the start of the London 2012 Olympic Games。

  London 2012 wants half of the 8,000 torch relay runners to be aged between 12 and 24 and the rest to include people with a story of achievement or contribution to the local community. The public can nominate people for the role。












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