总统八卦:奥巴马还有生子计划吗There’s not been a baby born to a serving president in nearly 50 years — will President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle buck the trend? 近50年来,美国的总统在任职期间都没有生养孩子的记录——那么美国现任总统巴拉克·奥巴马和妻子米歇尔会不会反潮流生个孩子呢? The question has been on everyone’s lips since Barack Obama was sworn in in 2008, and the president finally revealed his baby plans in a Father’s Day-themed interview on Good Morning America! “任期内是否有生育计划”这个问题从2008年奥巴马宣誓就职以来一直大家谈论的话题,昨天也就是父亲节奥巴马终于在《早安美国》节目的访问中给了大众一个答案。 And the answer is “no!” He may be commander-in-chief, but Michelle Obama, 47, rules the roost when it comes to their kids…and the First Lady is adamant: “we’re done。” 而这个问题的答案就是“没有!” 在政务上奥巴马也许是国家首脑,但是在生孩子这个问题上还是由47岁的妻子米歇尔·奥巴马说了算.。。第一夫人的回答就是:“不生了。” When asked about the prospect of a White House baby, the 49-year-old President replied, “ It’s Michelle’s decision, but her general view is that we’re done”。 当被问道是否打算在任期内生育孩子的时候,49岁的总统回答说,“这是米歇尔的决定,她觉得我们的生孩子工作已经完成了。” We’re sure you could convince her if you REALLY wanted another baby, Mr. President! But you’d better hurry up — there’s an election next year! 不过如果您真的想要个小宝宝的话,我们相信您是能够说服你老婆的!不过想生孩子可要抓紧了,因为明年可就是大选年了! 网友评论 |