
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年06月20日 15:23   沪江英语

  Harry Potter fans have the promise of more wizarding adventures after JK Rowling launched a mysterious website called 'Pottermore'。


  The project was unveiled when Rowling set fans a series of clues, asking them to enter 10 sets of coordinates into a site called secretstreetview.com. A letter could be found at each location, spelling out the Pottermore name。


  The website bears Rowling's signature and the message: "Coming soon..."


  Her lawyer, Neil Blair, refused to reveal what the website would contain, saying only: "This is not a new Harry Potter book."


  It is rumoured that the interactive site will be a meeting place for fans offering games, a Harry Potter encyclopaedia, readings by Stephen Fry and competitions. Fans will also be able to buy the books。


  Potter fansite The Leaky Cauldron has been granted a sneak preview of the content and described it as "one of the most amazing, engaging and breathtaking additions to this fandom imaginable"。

  哈利迷网站The Leaky Cauldron已经授权公布了预览内容,这些内容被视作“最令人惊叹、最丰富和最令人激动的影迷想象空间之一”。

  "Even though this is not a new book... it is something equally exciting". 


  The Intellectual Property Office granted a trademark registration to film studio Warner Bros in January last year for the name 'Pottermore.' It covered online games, chatrooms, film clips and literacy programmes。


  Earlier this year, Rowling agreed to the release of her books for Kindle and other electronic readers。


  She described e-books as a "godsend" in certain circumstances but added: "Print will never die. There's no substitute for the feel of an actual book."


  Rowling published the seventh and final Harry Potter book in 2007. It sold 11 million copies on the first day alone。


  The final film, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, is released next month。



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