女性发不雅短信甚于男性 易感情出轨

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年06月27日 12:10   中国日报网-英语点津

  'Sexting', the act of sending sexually explicit images via text or email, has become a worldwide phenomenon over the last couple of years。


  While both sexes partake, it may come as something of a surprise to learn that women are more likely to have 'sexted' than men。


  Researchers studying sex and cheating in cyberspace questioned 5,187 men and women who belonged to a website where married people look for extra-marital flings。


  They found that men were just as likely as women to have cheated on their partners both online and in 'real life'。


  Two-thirds of men and women had cheated online, while three-quarters admitted having an affair having had an affair in real life。


  And it is older men, rather than their younger counterparts, who are more likely to go astray, the survey found。


  Researcher Diane Kholos Wysocki, from the University of Nebraska and Cheryl Childers, from Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas, highlighted how the internet has made it much easier for people to cheat on their partners。

  来自内部拉斯大学的研究人员Diane Kholos Wysocki以及堪萨斯托皮卡的沃什伯恩大学的Cheryl Childers指出,互联网为这些想要出轨或者劈腿的男男女女提供了偷情的便利与机会。

  However, they also concluded that despite the popularity of 'sexting', most people do not view the Internet as a substitute for real-life physical contact。


  And while people may initially use the Internet to find potential sexual partners, the survey also indicated that most were ultimately interested in bringing online encounters into the real world。


  'Our research suggests that as technology changes, the way people find each other and the way they attract a potential partner also changes,' the authors said。


  'While social networking sites are increasingly being used for social contact, people continue to be more interested in real-life partners, rather than online partners。


  'It seems that, at some point in a relationship, we need the physical, face-to-face contact. Part of the reason for this may be that, ultimately, humans are social creatures.'


  A total of 5,187 people took part in the survey, answering questions about their internet use, sexual behaviour and feelings about sexual behaviour on websites。



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