
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年06月28日 10:59   国际在线


  Unemployed men are more likely to be divorced by - and seek a divorce from - their working wives, according to a study. Even men who are relatively happy in their marriages are more likely to leave if they are out of work, researchers said. This is down to pressure on husbands to be breadwinners, even as social pressure discouraging women from working outside the home is now practically non-existent, it is claimed。


  Scientists set-out to see how employment status influences both men's and women's decisions to end a marriage. According to researchers led by Liana Sayer, from Ohio State University, a women's employment status has no effect on the likelihood that her husband will opt to leave the marriage. However, an employed woman is more likely to initiate a divorce than a woman who is not employed, but only when she reports being highly unsatisfied with the marriage。


  The results for male employment status on the other hand were far more surprising. For a man, not being employed not only increases the chances that his wife will initiate divorce, but also that he will be the one who opts to leave. Even husbands who are content in their personal lives are more likely to leave if they are not employed, the research found。

  相反,男人要是丢了饭碗,会觉得特没面子,并主动提离婚。即便是他们很满意他们的婚姻生活也会选择 “不得不”放弃。

  In contrast, women's employment alone does not encourage divorce initiated by either party. That implies that a woman's choice to enter the workforce is not a violation of any marriage norms. Rather, being employed merely provides financial security that enables a woman to leave when all else fails。


  'These effects probably emanate from the greater change in women's than men's roles,' the researchers write. 'Women's employment has increased and is accepted, men's non-employment is unacceptable to many, and there is a cultural ambivalence and lack of institutional support for men taking on "feminised" roles such as household work and emotional support.'



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