
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年07月07日 17:11   国际在线

  Reminiscing with friends about the good old days may be fun, but it's unlikely to be accurate. Social pressure when recalling a shared event with somebody else who was also there causes false memories to be formed, according to scientists. People regularly replace their stored memory with the one that is recounted by a friend, a study claims。


  Researchers from University College London arranged for volunteers to watch a documentary film in small groups. Three days later, they returned to the lab individually to take a memory test, answering questions about the film. They were also asked how confident they were in their answers. They were later invited back to the lab to retake the test while the scientists scanned their brain activity. This time, the subjects were also given a 'lifeline' - the supposed answers of the others in their film viewing group, along with social media-style photos。


  The participants conformed to the group on these 'planted' responses, giving incorrect answers nearly 70 per cent of the time。


  The most outstanding feature of the false memories was a strong co-activation and connectivity between two brain areas - the hippocampus and the amygdala。

  The hippocampus is known to play a role in long-term memory formation, while the amygdala, sometimes known as the emotion centre of the brain, plays a role in social interaction. The scientists think that the amygdala may act as a gateway connecting the social and memory processing parts of our brain。



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