小贝辣妹喜得千金 闺女定名Harper Seven

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年07月11日 14:21   沪江英语

  Football star David Beckham and his singer wife Victoria have named their fourth child Harper Seven。

  足球巨星大卫贝克汉姆和他的歌手娇妻维多利亚决定给他们的第四个孩子取名Harper Seven。

  The baby girl was delivered on Sunday and joins the Beckham's three sons - Brooklyn, 11, Romeo, 8, and Cruz, 5.


  "I am so proud and excited to announce the birth of our daughter Harper Seven Beckham," the Los Angeles Galaxy football player said on his Facebook page。

  “我充满骄傲和激动的宣布,我们的小女儿Harper Seven降生啦!”贝克汉姆在他的facebook上更新道。

  "She weighed a healthy 7lbs 10oz and arrived at 7.55 this morning, here in LA. Victoria is doing really well and her brothers are delighted to have a baby sister xx."


  The Beckhams married in 1999 and their celebrity is entrenched around the world。


  Harper Seven was born the morning after Beckham scored directly from a corner kick to give the Galaxy a 2-1 victory over the Chicago Fire, extending his team's Major League Soccer unbeaten streak to 12 matches。

  Harper Seven正巧是在昨天早上贝克汉姆以一粒角球助银河队2-1战胜芝加哥热火队的比赛之际,也帮助银河队保持了十二连胜的不败战绩。

  The 36-year-old Beckham captained England's national team from 2000 to 2006. He played for Manchester United and Spain's Real Madrid before moving to LA to join the Galaxy in 2007.


  While at United, he wore the number seven shirt。


  Victoria Beckham, 36, found fame as a singer for 1990s girl band the Spice Girls and has since become a fixture on the fashion circuit。


  Just days ago the LA Galaxy star posted a picture of his heavily pregnant wife on Facebook. Beneath the image — which appeared to show his wife sunbathing — Beckham wrote: "Took this pic of Victoria while she wasn't looking. She looks amazing, so close now to the baby being born!"



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