神奇飞行汽车亮相美国 已获准上路It's been cleared to take to the skies for more than a year - but that's not much use when you're supposed to be able to drive it, too。 只要再等上上一年的时间,这款名副其实的飞车就将能够在天际翱翔,不过如果没有人能够真正的驾驶它的话,一切也都没有任何实际意义。 But now the flying car has at least been declared officially road legal。 不过现在,这款飞车已经获得了美国相关部门的批准,可以合法的上路了。 It means the Terrafugia Transition could be in U.S. garages as early as next autumn, after two years of delays。 这也就意味着,这款名为Terrafugia Transition的又能奔驰又能飞行的家伙最早可在明年秋季正式上市销售,这距离原计划的面市时间晚了两年。 It may not be the world's first flying car, but its makers say it is the first to have wings that fold up automatically at the push of a button。 Terrafugia Transition尽管并不是世界上第一辆能够飞行的车辆,但它却是第一款只需轻轻触动按钮便能自动将机翼折叠起来的产品。 It costs $200,000 - about the same price as a Ferrari - and can be reserved online for what Terrafugia describes as a 'modest' $10,000 deposit。 飞车的造价在200000美元作用,相当于一辆法拉利轿车,现在已经可以在网上预订,不过需要交纳10000美元的定金。 The polycarbonate windscreens can withstand the impact of birds, so they won't fracture。 聚碳酸酯所制成的挡风玻璃十分坚固,足以抵抗鸟类的袭击,并且不会断裂。 The administration has also granted Terrafugia permission to use heavier-grade tyres, which are not normally allowed on multi-purpose vehicles。 政府部门还授权Terrafugia可以安装中型轮胎,普通情况下,多用途汽车是不允许使用这种轮胎的。 It's the second hurdle the Transition had to overcome before it could go on sale, after the Federal Aviation Administration ruled last year it could fly with its current weight, 110lbs over the normal legal limit for light sport aircraft category。 这是Transition正是可以上市销售之前所要克服的第二个难关,在这之前,美国联邦航空局批准其可以以产品目前的重量。也就是110磅进行飞行,这也是法律所规定的轻型运动飞机的重量。 Terrafugia had originally hoped to deliver its first production vehicles as early as this year, but after problems with suppliers it has had to delay the release date to late 2012. Terrafugia原本希望最早在今年之内推出他们所生产的首批飞车,不过由于与供应商之前的协调出现问题,产品的发布被推迟到了2012年。 Prospective owners will need plenty of space for their new toy - it requires 1,700ft of road for take-off。 要加试这辆飞车的人可需要为他们的新玩具腾出足够的空间来,它需要1700英尺的路程在助跑起飞。 Its creators, which include former Nasa engineers, say the vehicle is easy to keep and run because it can fit into a normal domestic garage and uses regular gas。 发明飞车的是一位前美国航天局的工程师,他说飞车的驾驶和保养都非常容易,它能够停进普通的家庭车库,使用的也是普通的汽油。 It measures 19ft long and just 5ft 6ins wide when the wings are folded up, but they have a full span of 27ft。 飞车车身长约5.8米,将机翼折叠起来后宽为1.7米,展展开机翼之后的款则为8.2米。 It has a top speed of 65mph on the road, but that soars to 115mph in the air。 它在陆地上贝齿的最高时速可达到104公里,在空中的飞行最高时速则为185公里。 Drivers can convert it from a two-seater road car to a plane in less than 30 seconds with the touch of a button。 驾驶员只需触碰按钮,便可使这两座位的汽车在30秒内变形成一架飞机。 It doesn't have a gearstick, but on the road can be controlled with brake and accelerator pedals and a steering wheel like an ordinary car. In the air it is operated with a joystick near the steering wheel。 汽车并没有加速杆,在陆地上驾驶时可以通过刹车和油门踏板进行控制,它有一个像普通汽车一样的方向盘。在空中飞行时,方向盘附近有一个操纵杆。 网友评论 |