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http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年07月12日 11:07   国际在线

  William opens heart about Diana agony to three bereaved sisters

  Prince William opened his heart to three sisters about how he misses his mother, days after what would have been Princess Diana’s 50th birthday. But he told Meryl, Margot and Meghan Cooper – who lost their mother to breast cancer in 2002 – that he misses his own mother every day and that he could empathise with their loss. His candid comments came as he and Kate conducted an impromptu walkabout at a garden the sisters have opened in memory of their mother Loraine Minish-Cooper in Yellowknife, the capital of the Northwest Territories in Canada, last week。


  Meghan, 25, said: ‘William was really sympathetic about how we lost our mother. He said he could understand. ‘He said, “I know what it’s like to lose your mother at such a young age。”

  ‘He told me to make sure I took good care of my other sisters. He really understood. It was remarkable how warm they were. They really opened up in the garden – they are very genuine people.’ Meryl, 27, added: ‘William said that he had been there and he knew how hard it is to lose your mother. He said, “As you know I lost my mother, so I can imagine your pain。” ’ Margot, 23, said: ‘I told him that our mother was a big fan of Diana. It was sad to see him speak about losing his mother.’



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