
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年07月13日 11:00   沪江英语

  Bags under your eyes眼袋

  Don’t you hate it when you can’t get a good night’s sleep—and it shows on your face? 晚上睡不好,早上有眼袋是不是很讨厌?

  If you smoke, you’re four times as likely as nonsmokers to report feeling unrested after a night’s sleep, according to Johns Hopkins study. 约翰·霍普金斯的研究表明,抽烟的人睡觉醒来感到没有睡好的情况的可能性是不抽烟的人的4倍!


  To be fair, psoriasis is an autoimmune-related skin condition that can show up even if you never touch a cigarette。说实话,牛皮癣这个东西其实是和你皮肤自身的免疫系统有关,就算你不吸烟也有可能会得牛皮癣。

  However, if you do smoke, your risk for the scaly skin condition goes up—a lot. 但是,如果你是个吸烟人士的话,那么你得牛皮癣的几率就会大幅增加!

  Icky teeth恶心的大黄牙

  Wouldn’t you love to have a set of dazzling white, Hollywood-like choppers? If you smoke, you can kiss that dream good-bye。拥有一口像好莱坞明星般的美丽洁白的牙齿很美妙是不是?但是如果你抽烟的话,洁白牙齿就要跟你说拜拜了。

  It’s the nicotine in cigarettes that can stain teeth. 尼古丁会染黄你的牙齿。

  Premature aging and wrinkles容易早衰、皱纹增多

  We can all appreciate a wizened visage—on our favorite nonagenarian that is. Wrinkles look anything but wise when they show up on a relatively young person who smokes。虽然我们都会变老——但是那是我们九十来岁的时候。因为抽烟而让你脸上皱纹丛生,这时候的皱纹和老人家脸上睿智的皱纹就是完全两个概念了。

  Experts agree that smoking accelerates aging, so that smokers look 1.4 years older than nonsmokers, on average. 专家们认同吸烟会让人加速衰老的观点,所以吸烟的人看起来会比不吸烟的同龄人老1.4岁的样子。

  Yellow fingers染黄你的手指

  The nicotine in cigarette smoke can not only make your teeth (and the walls of your home) brown, but it’s also notorious for staining fingers and nails as well。香烟中的尼古丁不仅会把你的牙齿染黄,你的手指和指甲也不能幸免。

  Thinner hair让你头发稀疏

  As if the wrinkly skin wasn’t enough, smoking hurts your hair too. Experts think the toxic chemicals in smoke can damage the DNA in hair follicles and generate cell-damaging free radicals as well。如果吸烟让你生满皱纹你还不在意的话,再告诉你吸烟还会伤害你的头发。专家认为香烟中的有害化学物质会破坏你毛囊的DNA,还会形成伤害你细胞的有害基。

  The end result? Smokers have thinner hair that tends to go gray sooner than nonsmokers.  还没完呢。吸烟不仅会让你头发稀少,吸烟的人比起不吸烟的人头发灰得比较快。


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