双语:英国小学生自创钢笔礼服挑战Gaga(组图)![]() ![]() ![]() Lady Gaga's designer had better watch his back. One of the latest creations to come out of elite fashion school Central St Martins in London is right up the singer's street. The dress has been crafted out of 795 caligraphy pen nibs - and they are all connected to small motors that make them vibrate just like Lady Gaga's 'breathing' dress did。 或许论世界上奇形怪状的衣服而言,嘎嘎小姐所穿衣服的设计师会当之无愧地登上诡异服装设计师名单的宝座了。但是,最近由伦敦中央圣·马丁时尚学校的学生自己设计的服装绝对能把嘎嘎小姐当初“红极一时”的“生牛肉装”给逼到绝路。令人感到不可思议的是,这件堪称“绝无仅有”的时尚外套由795个“钢笔笔尖”整齐排列而成,而且每一个笔尖都与小型发动机线路链接而成,让笔尖可以产生“震动”的效果。 Student fashion: The dress has been crafted out of 795 caligraphy pen nibs - and they are all connected to small motors that make them vibrate The Pen Nib Dress is a cream A-line number with a rectangular panel covered in metal nibs on the front of the gown. It was designed and made by creative technologist John Nussey and Central St. Martins Womenswear student Steven Tai for his final degree show。 这件有意思的号称“钢笔礼服”是伦敦中央圣·马丁时尚学校学生Steven Tai 的毕业作品,据悉,该学生的毕业作品还借助了创意大师John Nussey 之手共同创作而成。类似睡衣礼服的前侧由金属钢笔笔尖“矩形成弧度”排列而成。 Speaking to Wired.co.uk, Nussey said that the final result was achieved through a lot of trial and error: 'We looked at a number of different ways to make the pen nibs move and how to wire up that number of nibs 'S.teven had strong ideas as to how many he wanted, and we had to get enough of the nibs to make an impact。 谈到怎样才能使得笔尖自己震动起来,学生Nussey分享了他的创意:“我们为了使得钢笔笔尖产生震动的效果,费了不少劲,以及怎么将钢笔笔尖与电线联系都费了一番功夫,最后,我们觉得必须要一定钢笔笔尖的数量才能达到我们想要的效果。” 'It was finding a balance between the technical possibilities and the creative idea.' They eventually settled for the same motors that make mobile phones vibrate because they are cheap and don't require very much power. Rows of metal pen nibs were then linked together with a switch for every different row which meant that they could all be activated separately. Moving one row as a time gives the panel on the front of the dress a beautiful shimmering effect. The speed and pattern of movement can be changed to create a range of different effects。 他还补充到:“最后,我们发现能让手机产生震动效果的原理同样可以应用于我们的设计当中,这种原理一旦实现起来不仅成本低、而且不用非多少电。可以让我们找到技术与创意的最佳平衡点。有意思的是,每一行的笔尖都有一个单独的控制开关,可以将任意一行钢笔笔尖任意摇动,这样模特在试穿这件衣服走T台时,前排的观众就可以看到衣服前面的奇妙效果,而且钢笔笔尖的晃动速度都可以自行调节。”据悉,这件毕业作品礼服重量可不轻,该学生透露,衣服重量可达:14公斤,看来模特想要衣着漂亮服饰受到众人赞叹,也必须时刻准备着为艺术而牺牲啊! 网友评论