
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年07月18日 15:28   国际在线

  Going to the dentist, having your eyes tested and trying to avoid coughs and colds could help prevent dementia, claim scientists。


  They say regular check-ups and staying as healthy and active as possible lessen the chance of developing Alzheimer’s disease and similar conditions in later life。


  Researchers have identified a range of illnesses, aches and pains that all increase the risk of the condition including arthritis, poor eyesight, broken bones and even badly fitting dentures。


  Although on their own, the complaints would only increase the risk very slightly, someone suffering a range of health problems could be twice as likely to get dementia。


  Canadian scientists looked at how eyesight, hearing, arthritis, coughs and colds, dental problems, diabetes and high blood pressure affected a person’s chances of developing Alzheimer’s and related conditions。


  They claimed that a normal, healthy person has an 18 percent chance of getting the disease at some point in their life。


  But this risk goes up by 3.2 percent for every illness or complaint that affected them。


  The findings published in the journal Neurology are further evidence that a healthy lifestyle may help prevent dementia。


  Previous research has shown high cholesterol, heart problems, obesity and smoking all increase the risk。


  Scientists believe that the condition may be triggered by poor circulation to the brain which causes damage to blood vessels and cells。


  But experts say that although some complaints such as arthritis, poor eyesight and hearing were unavoidable, regular trips to the doctor and dentist could help lessen the risk of dementia。


  Dr Marie Jackson said: ‘We know that people with reduced fitness and reduced mobility are significantly more likely to develop Alzheimer’s。

  Marie Jackson博士说,“我们知道身体不健康或减少流动性的人明显更有可能换老年痴呆。

  ‘So it’s very important to try and maintain fitness and health at whatever standard you are able.’


  Rebecca Wood, of Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: ‘This large study has turned up some intriguing and unexpected results, and it will be important to see whether follow-up studies have similar findings。

  英国老年痴呆研究者Rebecca Wood说,“这次大型研究出现了一些负责和未预料的结果,这对于观察后期研究是否有类似结果是很重要的。”


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