韩国上演大尺度“荡妇游行” 抗议性暴力

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年07月18日 17:41   中国日报网-英语点津
韩国上演大尺度“荡妇游行” 抗议性暴力韩国上演大尺度“荡妇游行” 抗议性暴力

  Dozens of South Korean women in skimpy clothes and wearing sunglasses or masks rallied on Saturday as part of the "SlutWalk" global protest against sexual violence。

  About 70 people, mostly women who met online to coordinate the action, danced together in the rain in central Seoul to make their point that "a dress does not mean yes."

  "Don't touch my body," read a slogan written on yellow ribbons wrapped around the body of one woman。

  "We have rights to wear whatever we like," the local movement, SlutWalk Korea, said in a statement. "We reject what they define as being sexy. There is no body in the world that can be touched without consent."

  SlutWalk, a protest against sexual violence and the notion that women provoke it by the way they dress, started in Toronto and spread worldwide, including North America, Europe, South Africa and Australia。

  It started in April this year in protest against a policeman's statement that "women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimised."








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