
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年07月19日 17:39   沪江英语

  1. Have a Picnic (去野餐): Picnics are an awesome way to relax on a summer day. Pack some of your favorite foods from the fridge, bring your iPod (with speakers), and enjoy spending one-on-one time together while soaking up some sunshine。

  2. Ride Your Bikes (骑自行车): Bike rides are a great way to get outdoors and enjoy the day. Look for local trails and ride them all!

  3. Find a Drive-in Movie (See Note 1)(去露天汽车电影院): These can be hard to come by but many towns still have drive-ins around the area. This is a great way to create a more unique experience to the usual movie date。

  4. Hit (See Note 2) the Museum (去博物馆): Museums might sound boring, but you'll be surprised how much fun it can be discussing works of art, or seeing limited-time-only exhibits! Some museums even have interactive exhibits for you and your guy to really get involved in. The best part? Most museums offer free days, late-night, or special prices for students!

  5. Attend an Outdoor Concert (去看户外的演唱会): Lots of parks and local venues offer free concerts throughout the summer. Lots of times they're part of festivals and other fun events. If you want to spend a bit more money and see some of your favorite bands on tour this summer, outdoor concerts usually have lawn seats at much cheaper prices!


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