艾玛现身纽约街头 打车躲狗仔遭拒载(组图)艾玛现身纽约街头打车躲狗仔
She has just finished promoting one of the biggest upcoming movies and is one of the most recognised faces in the world. But it appears that Emma Watson's famous face didn't work in her favour today, as she struggled to hail a cab on a busy New York street. The 21-year-old Harry Potter spent some time on the road chatting to a taxi driver, trying to explain which direction she was travelling in, but he turned her down because he was off-duty。 阔别了饰演了10年的《哈利波特》电影的好学生“赫敏”的扮演者艾玛·沃森在前日在伦敦《哈利波特与死亡圣器(下)》泪洒现场之后,与朋友在夜店狂舞庆祝自己终于“解放”的艾玛在纽约街头上演了一出被出租车司机“拒载”的好戏。据悉,虽然怎么着都算是“混个脸熟”的艾玛·沃森在纽约街头拦出租车的时候,完全没有被的士司机认出,21岁的“赫敏”花了半天时间在纽约街头向司机解释自己想去的地点,然而最终司机以要交接班为借口把这位大名鼎鼎的好莱坞女星给拒载了。 Emma has spent the last few weeks in an array of stunning designer dresses, but today the she opted for some more low-key casual attire as she takes a well earned break from the spotlight. The elfin beauty slipped into a pair of skinny legs jeans, a baggy grey sweater and some flats for her outing in the Big Apple。 She accessorised with a cream satchel and some fifties style shades and slicked her short brunette crop back with a headband。 照片中,艾玛一改往日在镜头下的名设计师手下的华丽礼服,选择了超级低调的灰色T恤以及一副粉色墨镜在纽约街头与朋友大淘便宜货,俨然一个邻家女孩的样子。即使穿着随意,也不能遮掩这位被誉为好莱坞“第一吸金女”的好身材,搭配一条贴身牛仔裤,艾玛健康色的米色肌肤在阳光明媚的纽约街头还是能展现出“十足的星味”的。 Of her dramatic gown, Emma said: 'New York is such a fashion capital, I felt I could push the envelope a bit. With London I went a bit more classic (in her fairytale Oscar de la Renta dress) but for today I wanted to do something edgier.' The 21-year-old wore her gamine crop slicked and looked very grown up in elaborate gold leaf eye make-up。 就在电影《哈利波特与死亡圣器(下)》的首映会上,艾玛受访时表达了自己对纽约的看法:“我认为纽约是时尚的中心,我能发挥我自己的创造力随时随地挑战时尚的限度,纽约的宽容度十分高,我可以时而穿着古典、时而又像一个街头小混混走在酷酷的边缘。” 网友评论 |