艾玛现身纽约街头 打车躲狗仔遭拒载(组图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年07月20日 10:39   国际在线

  She has just finished promoting one of the biggest upcoming movies and is one of the most recognised faces in the world. But it appears that Emma Watson's famous face didn't work in her favour today, as she struggled to hail a cab on a busy New York street. The 21-year-old Harry Potter spent some time on the road chatting to a taxi driver, trying to explain which direction she was travelling in, but he turned her down because he was off-duty。


  Emma has spent the last few weeks in an array of stunning designer dresses, but today the she opted for some more low-key casual attire as she takes a well earned break from the spotlight. The elfin beauty slipped into a pair of skinny legs jeans, a baggy grey sweater and some flats for her outing in the Big Apple。

  She accessorised with a cream satchel and some fifties style shades and slicked her short brunette crop back with a headband。


  Of her dramatic gown, Emma said: 'New York is such a fashion capital, I felt I could push the envelope a bit. With London I went a bit more classic (in her fairytale Oscar de la Renta dress) but for today I wanted to do something edgier.' The 21-year-old wore her gamine crop slicked and looked very grown up in elaborate gold leaf eye make-up。



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