邓文迪被封“虎妈” 一巴掌成就英雄妻(图)邓文迪被封"虎妈" 一巴掌成就英雄妻
Two days ago she was simply Rupert Murdoch’s Chinese wife, a tall beauty for whom the media tycoon brutally abandoned his wife of 32 years, Anna. Now Wendi Deng Murdoch is a global heroine, a tigress who leapt to claw and punch a man throwing a plate of foam (but it could have been anything) – into her 80-year-old husband’s face at Tuesday’s House of Commons committee hearing。 两天前,她还是世界传媒大亨默多克的普普通通的“中国嫩妻”,两天前,她一直还是顶着让默多克与相知相守32年的“正牌妻子”劳燕分飞的帽子,可两天过后她却被全世界的媒体大大赞赏,封上“虎妈”标签,被中国媒体誉为---现代版中国武则天。据悉,伦敦当地时间19日下午,坐在电视机前收看英国议会就窃听丑闻对默多克父子进行质询的听证会的观众一定忘记不了那一幕:在默多克结束了一段自己的证词时,一名抗议者走向他,企图将一盘白色剃须膏扔到默多克的脸上。而这时,一道粉红色的身影跃起,那是邓文迪。她左手捉住袭击者的手腕,右手以排球扣杀动作,一掌向袭击者的脑门劈下,勇救自己80岁的老头默多克。 Even Murdoch’s 102-year-old mother Dame Elisabeth, who has said that after what her son did to Anna she ‘finds it hard to accept Wendi’, must have been impressed. It hasn’t always been like this. Until now, most people have paid obeisance to the girl born into what she has called ‘poverty’ in provincial China purely because she is Mrs Rupert Murdoch although, it must be said, she carries off the role with ease, having both style and brains。 就是连默多克102岁的老母亲Dame Elisabeth都会为自己的新儿媳勇敢护夫的举动深感欣慰,而她曾经对外表示说默多克相守了32年的正牌妻子Anna很难真正地接受邓文迪这一秘密。在邓文迪掌掴偷袭默多克的喜剧演员前,全世界的人尊重这位来自与所谓的“相当贫穷的国家------中国”的黄皮肤女性是因为她是默多克的妻子而已,这一次的经历让邓文迪这地打翻“小三”的帽子,一跃成为真正的正牌中的正牌,不管默多克事件的结果如何,在这场窃听闹剧中,我们都已经意识到邓文迪才是真正的受益者。 They have viewed her as a ruthless opportunist whose capture of Rupert when he was in his late sixties and she a mere 31, was an act of naked ambition in the style of fiction’s faithless social climber Becky Sharp in Vanity Fair. When the Wall Street Journal published details of her extraordinary rise, Murdoch is understood to have told a friend: ‘I didn’t know half of that.’ Not that it shook his faith in her, and when he was treated for prostate cancer in 2000, she never left his side。 据悉,这一对所谓的“老少配”(当年默多克快70岁,而邓文迪仅仅31岁)完全不被大家看好,大家会认为邓文迪高攀默多克矛头直指默多克的大金袋,然而这么多年来,邓文迪在老默多克2000年被查出前列腺癌等都一直对默多克不离不弃,19日的插曲让外界给邓文迪贴上强硬、大胆,甚至“虎妻”的标签,邓文迪的“正室”位置上演大翻盘。“我想,那就是我们的鲁珀特和邓文迪。”默多克自传的作者迈克尔·沃尔夫说,“她(邓文迪)就是那种无畏的人。精明厉害,充满难以置信的精力,野心勃勃。” 网友评论 |