窃听丑闻新动向:裘德洛声称被窃听 FBI出动

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年07月25日 15:00   沪江英语

  The FBI are planning to contact actor Jude Law after he claimed that his cell phone was hacked into when he was at JFK airport。裘德洛声称自己在肯尼迪机场时手机被窃听,FBI目前准备介入调查。

  The allegations were made by the actor after a story that was published in the News of the World in 2003 was based on information that could only have been obtained from the star's voicemail。据悉,2003年,《世界新闻报》曾爆出一则关于裘德洛的消息,而这些私密消息只可能通过他的手机语音信箱才能获得,裘德洛因此认定自己的手机被窃听。

  The phone of his personal assistant Ben Jackson is also said to have been hacked。裘德洛的助理Ben Jackson也声称手机被窃听。

  The article gave a detailed account of Law's communication with his personal assistant。《世界新闻报》的那则消息详细记述了裘德洛和他助理的通话记录。

  Because it happened on American soil, Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation could face charges in the U.S. and the FBI have announced they are planning to contact the Sherlock Holmes actor, according to the BBC。因为该事发生在美国,所以默多克新闻集团可能面临美国起诉,而据BBC报道,FBI宣布他们将与这位扮演大侦探福尔摩斯的演员联系准备介入此事。

  Law's phone would have been using an American mobile network if used in the U.S., which opens the door to charges under U.S. federal law。在美国,裘德洛的手机使用的是美国移动通信网络,所以该事件可能在美国联邦法律下进行审理。

  The news brings further doom

  to Murdoch who arrived back in New York today with his wife Wendi Deng, only to be told that questions over the conduct of an News Corp subsidiary have been raised by Democratic senator Frank Lautenberg。该新闻让今日刚刚和妻子邓文迪返回纽约的默多克再受重创,他们被告知民主党参议员Frank Lautenberg已开始对新闻集团分部提出质疑。

  Lautenberg has asked the FBI to look into a bygone dispute between News America Marketing and Floorgraphics Inc.Lautenberg已请求FBI对新闻集团美国市场部和Floorgraphic公司的一旧纠纷进行调查。

  The latter specialises in in-store marketing and claims that News America, which sells coupons

  and advertising, tried to gain a business advantage by hacking into its computer system on no less than 11 occasions between 2003 and 2004.后者是一家专门研究店内营销方案的公司,它声称在2003年到2004年期间,为了取得商业优势,销售优惠券和广告的新闻集团美国下属集团曾不止在11种情况下潜入其电脑系统。

  As well as this the FBI have already said they want to look into a claim that the News of the World sought to access the phone records of people who died on 9/11.除此之外,FBI已表示他们打算调查关于《世界新闻报》窃听911受害者电话记录的指控。

  One of the tycoon's most senior deputies Les Hinton has already quit as CEO of Dow Jones, which published the Wall Street Journal。默多克旗下重要的左膀右臂莱斯辛顿已辞去道琼斯集团CEO一职,道琼斯集团是《华尔街日报》的发行商。

  He was chairman of the UK subsidiary News International when the hacking took place。窃听事件期间,他担任《新闻国际》英国英国分部主席。

  He said he had no knowledge of the hacking。他声称对窃听事件一无所知。

  Law, 38, who is also suing the News of the World's stablemate The Sun, claims that the Sunday tabloid hacked into his phone and used the messages for four articles in 2005 and 2006.38岁的裘德洛同时起诉《世界新闻报》的同属报纸《太阳报》,他称这份周日小报于2005年到2006年间窃听了他的手机,由此发布了四则消息。

  The hacking is alleged to have taken place when he was staying in New York en route to Canada to film I Heart the Huckabees。据称,这些消息是裘德洛在纽约期间和在加拿大拍摄《我爱哈克比》期间窃听的。


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