
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年07月29日 17:48   国际在线

  She's been capturing headlines all over the globe since her famous sister Kate became British royalty, and now Pippa Middleton is sparking a baby naming trend, too。


  Reuters reports the baby name website Nameberry analyzed 23 million page views of baby name pages on various naming sites and found celebrities are having a serious impact on the monikers folks are bestowing on their little ones。


  "Five years ago, I might have said that the biggest overarching factor was personal meaning, now the biggest factor is celebrities," Nameberry's Pamela Redmond Satran tells the news service。

  “五年以前,我也许会说,给孩子取名最重要的因素是名字承载的含义,但现在,最重要的因素是名人。”Nameberry网站的Pamela Redmond Satran对路透社说道。

  True, Isabella, Sophia and Emma were the top names for girls last year, with Jacob, Ethan and Michael winning out among boy names, but names such as Pippa, Elula (the name actress Isla Fisher and actor Sacha Baron Cohen chose for their daughter), Mila (as in "Black Swan" actress Kunis) and Flynn (the name of Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr's son) are gaining steam。


  "There is a culture of the celebrity baby," Satran tells Reuters. Satran tells the news service the number of searches for a baby name can help predict how popular that name will become。


  Nameberry compiled a list of hot names so far for 2011, posted on Today.com. Here's what people are searching.Nameberry


  Pippa: "Both the familiar Pippa and the more formal Philippa is the Number 1 hottest baby name of the year on Nameberry. Pippa ranks 35 on our most-searched list so far this year, after not appearing at all among our 200 most popular girls' names of 2010. While Kate is up too, it's not nearly as hot as Pippa。


  Asher: "The soft, Biblical Asher takes the Hottest Boys' Name spot by virtue of having unseated Henry as the all-time Number 1 name for boys on Nameberry."

  Asher:这个从圣经故事里得来的发音柔软的名字挤下“历届冠军”Henry成为Nameberry上最受欢迎的男孩名字。Elula: "Elula, the unusual Hebrew calendar name chosen by Isla Fisher and Sasha Baron Cohen for their second daughter, was not even in our database last year and now is the Number 38 most-searched name on Nameberry."


  Everett: "The popularity of Everett, up 50 places on our most-searched list, was inspired by such stylish girls' choices as Eva and Evelyn."


  Hadley: "The success of the bestselling novel 'The Paris Wife' has catapulted the intriguing name of Hemingway's first wife, Hadley Richardson, 50 spots up our list this year over last."

  Hadley:畅销小说《The Paris Wife》的热卖使得海明威第一任妻子Hadley Richardson的名字迅速火起来,该名字今年比去年上升了50位。Arlo: "... Arlo, as in folksinger Guthrie, (is) enjoying a popularity surge. Other o-ending names for boys heating up in 2011: Nico, Hugo, Otto."

  Arlo:Arlo是民歌手Guthrie的名字,它现在正越来越受欢迎。其它在2011年越来越火的名字还有Nico,Hugo和Otto。Mila: "It's the name of a gorgeous young star, Mila Kunis, PLUS it resembles a handful of trendy names -- Mia, Maya, Lila"

  Mila:该名字是魅力年轻女星米拉·库妮丝的名字,另外,它还和其它几个流行名字很相像,如Mia,Maya和Lila。Flynn: "Finn is already hot, but cousin Flynn, baby name choice of Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr, is taking off."

  Flynn:Finn这个名字已经很火了,但同源的Flynn被奥兰多·布鲁姆和米兰达·可儿选为儿子的名字后该名字一下子成名。Ada, Adele, Adeline, Adelaide: "If it's a vintage girls' name that starts with Ad-, it can't miss this year, it seems."


  Archer: "Archer, as in Henry James' 'Portrait of a Lady' and Edith Wharton's 'Age of Innocence,' is perfect: It's unusual, classic yet contemporary-feeling, and there's no danger of anyone actually having read the books."

  Archer:作为亨利·詹姆斯作品《贵妇的画像》和伊迪丝·华顿作品《纯真年代》的人物名字,它简直太完美了,与众不同、古典端庄但又不失现代感。而且也不至于每个人都看过小说(而将此名字与原著人物对比)。Luna: "The real hottie launched by the Beckham name quest was otherworldly Luna, the name rumored to be their girls' pick for most of Posh's pregnancy."

  Luna:这个可人儿名字谣传是贝克汉姆为女儿取的名字。So, don't be surprised if the kindergarten class of 2016 is full of Pippas, Milas, Elulas and Flynns. Kinda sounds like a new sort of British invasion, now, doesn't it?所以到了2016年别惊讶整个幼儿园的学生都叫Pippa,Mila,Elula和Flynn。听起来有几分不列颠(文化)新侵袭的感觉,不是吗?


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