
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年08月10日 10:12   中国日报网-英语点津

  Jennifer Aniston ordered Brad Pitt to leave their Beverly Hills home after he admitted that he was in love with Angelina Jolie, according to a sensational new book。

  Arnon Milchan, who produced Mr and Mrs Smith, makes the revelation in a book about his life as a producer and businessman tied to the arms trade, which is entitled Confidential: The Life of Secret Agent Turned Hollywood Tycoon。

  He recalls how he originally cast Pitt and Nicole Kidman as the married spy couple in his film but that Brad pulled out of the project due to a lack of chemistry between himself and the flame-haired Australian。

  Milchan also insists that Pitt was already infatuated with Jolie as immediately after he cast Angelina as the female lead, Brad called him to say he was happy to play Mr to her Mrs。

  The rest, as they say, is history, and the writing was on the wall for the Friends sweetheart, who married Pitt in Malibu in 2000.

  She filed for divorce in March 2005, apparently after seeing pictures of Brad, Angelina and Maddox on a beach in Kenya。

  But it was a tumultuous few months of rumours and denials before she reached that point。

  He recounts: 'At first, Jen didn't believe he was involved with Angelina. She started asking around but no one would tell her anything because they were loyal to Brad, so she asked him point blank. He denied it.'

  Brad and Jennifer then went to the Caribbean with best friends Courteney Cox and David Arquette on a pre-planned trip to celebrate New Years, 2005, but the strain was too much and Brad confessed。

  'He eventually admitted he was in love with Angelina. Jen was furious and threw him out,' authors Meir Doran and Joseph Gelman write。

  Brad only returned to the lavish home the couple designed together to collect some belongings before moving into Milchan's L.A. home。

  On January 7, 2005, the pair announced their split, but when Brad joined Jennifer for her birthday in February, the rumour mill went into overdrive with talk about their reconciliation。

  The trip to Africa put paid to that and Brangelina was born that Summer。

  Six children were to follow, and the couple remain together while Jennifer has found love at last with actor Justin Theroux。
















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