嫁人就嫁刘易阳 《裸婚时代》双语经典语录(图)![]() 刘易阳童鞋,一个没房没车没钻戒没存款,却始终坚持两条原则:1. 老婆永远是对的;2. 老婆错的时候按第1条执行的新好男人。让无数少女感慨:裸婚时代,嫁人就嫁刘易阳!还记得《裸婚时代》里那些感人肺腑的经典语录吗: 1. I have no cars, no money, no houses, no diamond rings. But I want to grow old with you. When you are old, I will still carry you and be your walking stick; when you have no teeth, I will feed you. I won't die before you, for leaving you alone in this world makes me feel worried。 我没车,没钱,没房,没钻戒,但我有一颗陪你到老的心。等你老了,我依然背着你,我给你当拐杖;等你没牙了,我就嚼碎了喂给你。我一定等你死后再死,要不把你一个人留在这世界上,没人照顾,我做鬼也不放心。 2. Details beat love. I have no advantage over you except for my love. I've been trying to retain my dignity in love. Now I'm desperate because I have nothing more to lose。 细节打败爱情。我除了我爱你比你爱我多以外,我没有任何条件优越过你。我刘易阳一直是在维护自己爱情的尊严,我今天才知道一个道理,什么叫失无所失。 3. What is happiness? Happiness depends on what you do rather than what you say。 幸福是什么,幸福不是靠你说就能说出来的,幸福是你实实在在干出来的。 4. Relationships which don't end up with marriage are all crap。 不以结婚为目的的谈恋爱都是耍流氓。 5. Tong and I are way beyond love, we are now relatives。 我和童佳倩已经超越了爱情这层关系了,我们现在是亲人。 6. We joined in marriage voluntarily. From now on we'll take responsibility and carry out obligations, to honor the old and bring up the young, to respect and love each other, to trust and encourage each other, to give and take, to help each other in difficult time and to love each other for ever! 我们自愿结为夫妻。从今天开始,我们将共同肩负起婚姻赋予我们的责任和义务,上孝父母,下教子女,互敬互爱,互信互勉,互谅互让,相濡以沫,钟爱一生! 7. Where there is Tong, there is home。 有童佳倩的地方 才是我刘易阳的家。 8. Honey, you are so kind, I have nothing to return except for marrying you。 娘子,你对我这么好,小生无以回报,唯有以身相许。 9. Making your wife worry about money is not what a pure man should do。 让自己媳妇儿为钱着急,挺不爷们儿的。 网友评论 |