施瓦辛格T恤印字 自嘲从妻子手中逃生(图)T恤上写着”从玛利亚手中逃生“
He has taken on cyborgs,Martians and Danny DeVito, but Arnold Schwarzenegger has officially "survived Maria"。 The former governor of California made light of his pending divorce with Maria Shriver by wearing a T-shirt bearing the slogan "It's Time" on the front and "I Survived Maria" on the back, with the date 2007 -2010 printed under it, with the first year cross out and replaced with 1977, the year the couple started dating at the turn of the year。 The Terminator actor, who was pictured during a workout in Santa Monica, reportedly received the T-shirt as a farewell present when stepping down as governor。 Mr Schwarzenegger and Miss Shriver separated after 25 years of marriage following revelations that he fathered a secret love child with long-time household maid Mildred Baena and kept it secret for more than a decade。 The 63-year-old is due to make his return to acting in a modern Western The Last Stand, in which he will play a sheriff defending his town from a drug cartel boss。 他曾出演电子人、火星人,还曾与丹尼•德维托搭档,而现在,阿诺德•施瓦辛格居然公开宣称他“从玛利亚手中逃生了”。 这位前加州州长身穿一件印字T恤自嘲他即将和妻子玛丽亚•施莱弗离婚。这件T恤正面写着 “是时候了”,背面写着“我从玛利亚手中逃生了”,下方还印有2007-2010的字样,2007被划掉改成了1977,他们相恋于那年年初。 “终结者”施瓦辛格在圣塔莫妮卡锻炼时被拍到身穿这件T恤,据报道称是他卸任州长时收到的道别礼物。 施瓦辛格多年前的一桩风流韵事东窗事发后,和结婚25年的妻子玛利亚•施莱弗分居。他与在他家工作多年的管家米尔德里德•巴埃纳育有一私生子,这件事瞒了足足十多年。 63岁的施瓦辛格将携现代西部片《最后一战》重返好莱坞。片中他将饰演一名保卫小镇的治安官,与贩毒集团展开较量。 网友评论 |