美副总统拜登访华 “最幸运孙女”抢镜(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年08月19日 16:30   中国日报网-英语点津
美副总统拜登访华 “最幸运孙女”抢镜美副总统拜登访华 “最幸运孙女”抢镜

  The official trip of Vice President Joe Biden started at the Beijing Capital International Airport on Wednesday。

  While the dignitary

  got off the flight with a full welcome, there was a woman standing next to the man who appeared timid at the welcoming of the plane。

  That woman is young Naomi Biden who is tagging along with her grandfather for a trip that will be forever a lifetime experience。

  Frankly, the chance to visit the world is extraordinary. The chance to see it in a way that has full attention like Biden, is beyond any imagination。

  Getting a first-hand look at the country while her grandfather is off doing his work is a memory everyone who knew their grandparents can relate to. Perhaps we didn’t all have dignitary families, but we did have grandparents who took us on trips to show off their jobs and meet their coworkers. It is an individual experience that will last forever in the memories。

  The Biden’s are on an all work trip that will have time in China, Mongolia and Japan。

  While Vice President Joe Biden is talking trade, it is hopeful that his granddaughter gets the chance to check out the town, go on a few tours and even buy a few trinkets to take home. With a trip like this, it is safe to say she is the luckiest granddaughter in the world。









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