潮词:你是臭脾气的职场“榴莲族”吗还记得我们说过的职场“草莓族”吗?这个族指的是新入职场的80后,素质不错、但是经受不了挫折和伤害。今天,我们来说一个他们的前辈,脾气臭、还不好对付的“榴莲族”。 Durian clan refers to those ill-tempered co-workers who have been working for many years and are hard to get along with, just like the smelly fruit with thick thorny skin。 榴莲族,是对职场中有一定工作资历,但脾气像榴莲一样又臭又硬,不好相处的群体的称呼。 Unlike the strawberry clan, who are newbies in the workplace, people in the durian clan are accustomed to workplace routines, and may be experiencing a kind of job burnout after many years of hard work. As a result, they might easily show their hot temper in the office。 相对初入职场的草莓族来说,榴莲族已经入职多年,工作对于他们来说,也许早已脱离了兴趣爱好,每天只是过着按部就搬的日子。如此情况下,榴莲族们对职业的疲劳感会越来越深,对人对事,自然少了些随和,多了些暴躁。 In addition, people in the durian clan often don’t look so well due to years of overwork and signs of aging. And as old hands in the workplace, they usually have thicker skin than others。 除此之外,长期熬夜加班再加上岁月的痕迹,让榴莲族的脸色不怎么好看,而且“职场老油条”的榴莲族们,往往脸皮都比较厚。 网友评论 |