
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年08月25日 15:13   中国日报网-英语点津

  前段时间,小编我休了个长假。回来上班的第一天,看着眼前的电脑就犯晕,编稿子的时候也时常走神,感觉那一天特别漫长。你有没有过类似的经历呢?告诉你,这种状态叫做social jet lag。

  Social jet lag refers to the feeling of being very tired when you return to work after a holiday, especially because of changes to your sleeping pattern。

  Social jet lag指休假结束返回工作岗位时的倦怠感,主要是由睡眠模式的变化引起的,称为“假后返工时差”。

  The root cause of social jet lag is the more relaxed sleeping pattern that many people adopt when on holiday. Conscious that they don't need to be up at the crack of dawn the next day, people luxuriate in the opportunity to lie in, getting up later in the morning and going to bed later in the evening. Faced with going back to work after perhaps as much as two weeks of a different cycle of waking and sleeping, a person's body clock is thrown out of sync. This has a similar effect to the one experienced by flying west across one or more time zones。



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