It's official - women spend most of their time lying awake at night because of financial worries, while men are kept awake by... 'nothing.' In a new survey, women were asked what keeps them up at night - and the number one answer, from 30 percent of the women, was financial worries. 35 percent of men, however, said 'nothing.' The Manilla.com study looked at the habits of 1000 average wage-earning women and men in the US。 The second most common reason for women lying awake at night, at 18 percent, was put down to 'to-do lists' and work stress。 Linda Descano of Women & Co. told Manilla.com: 'With today's busy lifestyles, keeping on top of one's personal finances can seem daunting in the face of the many demands in life。 'And with 66 percent of women now serving as CFO of their household, according to Women & Co. research, it's not surprising there is more to keep them up at night.' The findings would come as no surprise to some social scientists - and, indeed, working mothers。 Arlie Russell Hochschild's seminal 1989 work, The Second Shift, lifted the lid on the imbalance between women's and men's workloads。 The study showed, for the first time, that household chores remained mainly the responsibility of working women。 A recent Time study pointed out that household habits have changed to the advantage of women, and, according to The Huffington Post, yet other studies show that household chores are linked to high blood pressure。 Personal finance expert, Manisha Thakor, told Mint.com that the picture is greyer yet for women。 The financial stresses they face are exacerbated by living an average of 5 to 7 years longer than men, earning just 77cents for each male dollar and working for 11.5 fewer years than men because of caring for babies and elderly parents, she said。 The new survey also revealed that women are more acutely affected by being disorganised than men. '73 percent of women say they are frustrated by disorganization, compared to just 59 percent of men,' said Manilla.com。 'When organized, 50 percent of women say they feel relaxed and 40 percent say they feel happy. That compares to 41 percent and 37 percent of men respectively,' it said。 这可是官方消息——女人们晚上睡不着觉是大多是因为财务上的烦恼,而男人睡不着觉是因为……根本没有什么事会让男人睡不着觉! 在一项新的调查中,女人们被问到什么会让她们晚上睡不着觉,排在第一的答案是财务上的烦恼,30%的女人因此而失眠,而35%的男人称没什么事会让他们睡不着觉。 马尼拉网站的研究调查了1000位中等收入的美国男性和女性的睡眠习惯。 导致女人晚上睡不着的第二大普遍的原因(18%)是老想着还要干什么和工作压力。 Women & Co公司的琳达•黛丝卡诺告诉马尼拉网站:“现在的人们都活得匆匆忙忙,面对那么多生活中的需求,要掌控个人财务是挺困难的一件事。 “而且根据Women & Co的调查来看,现在66%的女性是丈夫的首席财务官,所以她们有更多导致失眠的烦心事也就不足为怪了。” 对于一些社会科学家和职场母亲们来说,这一研究发现一点也不令人惊讶。 阿莉•罗塞尔•霍克希尔德1989年的开创性著作《第二次转移》,揭开了女人和男人工作负担的不平衡。 该研究首次指出,职业女性还是家务活的主要承担者。 《时代》杂志最近发布的一项研究指出,家庭生活习惯已经变得有利于女性。此外,《赫芬顿邮报》刊载的其他研究结果显示,家务活与高血压有关。 个人理财专家玛尼莎•萨克尔告诉Mint网说,女性的前景还会更灰暗。 女人平均比男人多活5到7年,但赚的钱只有男人的77%,而且由于要照顾老人和小孩,女人要比男人少工作11.5年,这都加重了女人的财务压力。 新调查还揭示出,生活混乱对女性造成的影响要比男性更大。马尼拉网站说:“73%的女性说混乱无序的状态会令她们感到沮丧,相比之下,只有59%的男人会这样。” 该网站称:“当一切正常有序时,50%的女性说她们觉得放松,40%说觉得快乐。而相比之下,分别只有41%和37%的男性这么认为。” 网友评论 |