
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年08月30日 12:32   国际在线

  Paralympic champion Oscar Pistorius has made history as he qualified for the 400 metres semi-finals at the World Athletic Championships. The athlete known as Blade Runner, due to his carbon fibre prosthetic legs, has made a momentous appearance at the sporting event in Daegu, South Korea, running alongside able-bodied athletes。


  The South African, the first amputee athlete to race in the competition, finished third in his heat in 45.39 seconds. The 24-year-old, who had both legs amputated below the knee when he was 11 months old, came on strongly in the second half of the race to go through comfortably. Debate has raged this week over whether Pistorius should be allowed to compete with some arguing his carbon fibre blades give him an advantage。


  However, support for paralympian was palpable inside the stadium, with South African flags being waved and chants of 'We love Oscar' breaking out before he took to his blocks。


  He said: 'It was a great opportunity for me to have a chance to run, this is a goal I've had for many, many years. 'I really don't feel like a pioneer but I'm very honoured to be in the position I am in ... I hope to write a few more chapters, I'm still young.'



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