
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年09月01日 18:10   沪江英语

  Graffiti! Do you love it, or hate it?! This is a big question in England, especially since the rise of graffiti artist; Banksy is a ‘street artist’ who sends political and social messages, and who has taken the UK by storm。


  Graffiti is either “writing or drawings scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface in a public place”. Or! It is a form of highly desirable art, as some people in Britain firmly believe. This distinction means that graffiti artist Banksy, whose art sells for millions of pounds, has to keep his identity completely secret, in case he is arrested, and although he has won awards for his art, he can never turn up to collect them in person。



  Lucky people who’s houses he has graffitied on, can often sell their house for much more as a result! He uses large stencils that he makes beforehand, and can put up quickly and spray through, so that he can make a fast getaway! Including the UK, he has left graffiti on places such as the Palestine wall, and Disney land. A telling sign of changing ideas to graffiti in the UK, is that in Banksy’s home town, Bristol, the council have stopped painting over his work and have ordered that it be preserved!



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