双语:iPhone 5或于今年10月21日全球发售(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年09月07日 10:43   国际在线
iPhone 5 10月下旬将面世iPhone 5 10月下旬将面世

  An October release for Apple's eagerly awaited iPhone 5 handset is now almost certain, after continued silence from the company about when the handset will appear。

  据英国《每日邮报》9月5日报道,关于这款期待已久的iphone 5手机的面市时间,苹果公司始终缄口不语,而现在看来,10月份发售的消息已经是确凿无疑的了。

  A screenshot submitted to American technology blog This Is My Next seems to confirm the day might well be October 21.

  从发送给美国科技博客This Is My Next的一张截图就可以确定,iPhone5的发布日期是10月21日。

  The screenshot, sent to American blogger Chris Ziegler by an anonymous employee of the Best Buy electronics chain, which recently launched stores in the UK, shows an email sent to American Best Buy employees regarding an upcoming Apple launch。

  截图是由美国百思买电子连锁店的一名员工发给一个名叫克里斯 齐格勒的博主的,百思买公司近期在英国开设了连锁店。这封发送给美国百思买公司员工的邮件的截图显示了这个即将面市的苹果手机的发售日期。

  It requests that a manager be present at 6am on October 21 to install a "large Apple fixture" on the big screens in the American electronics store。


  The tantalizing aspect to this detail is that 6am is the time at which Apple requested managers attend for the launch of iPhone 4 last year - also to install screens。


  The Best Buy employee also revealed that an event was scheduled for October 10 for managers to discuss upcoming "big releases"- which would fit with an iPhone 5 launch a fortnight later。

  百思买的员工还透露, 10月10日将会有一个经理们讨论“发布大事”的活动,有可能是关于确定两周后iPhone5即将发布的相关事宜。

  An Apple spokesperson said, "We are not commenting on rumors or speculation."While the company is typically tight-lipped about the launch dates of its iconic smart phones, evidence has been mounting that a late October release seems likely。


  Apple's marketing machine is extremely well-oiled, particularly when it comes to their hero product, the 100-million-selling iPhone - and preview events are usually orchestrated weeks in advance. With no official word from within the company in early September, a late October release looks increasingly likely。


  Android rivals such as Samsung's Galaxy S II are now also considerably faster than the current iPhone 4: the company may not be able to afford to wait much longer than late October to release their upgraded handset。

  目前,三星Galaxy S II的安卓系统要比iphone4快很多,所以,苹果公司将会迫不及待地在10月份推出它的升级版。

  An Apple engineer lost a prototype in a bar a few weeks before release has also become a regular ritual. This year, a prototype iPhone 5 was reportedly lost in a San Francisco bar, and sold via the internet。


  The late October release date would appear to be supported by images that appeared on the internet recently said to show production parts for a new model that have arrived at Chinese resellers in preparation for the global launch of the high-powered phone。




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