He is Rowan Atkinson’s most commercially successful creation. However, Mr. Bean is unlikely to appear on our screens again。 据英国《每日邮报》9月6日报道,“憨豆先生”是罗温·艾金森创造的最成功的商业作品,但是,这一角色可能不会再出现在我们的荧幕上了。 Atkinson, 56, says he believes he is too old to play the bumbling character。 56岁的艾金森说,他觉得自己年龄太大,难以继续扮演这个傻里傻气的角色了。 Atkinson – who describes Mr. Bean as "a child in a grown man’s body" - said:"Never say never, but I just feel I'm getting too old for it. I've always liked Mr. Bean as a cartoon-like figure, who doesn't really age much. I've always seen him as an ageless and timeless being and I'm clearly not ageless and timeless. The older I get, I feel I am less qualified to play him." 艾金森把憨豆先生称为“带有孩子气的成年人”,他说:“不能把话说死,但是我确实老了,不适合这个角色了。一直以来我都很喜欢这个像漫画形象一样的角色,他永远不会变老。在我眼中,憨豆是永恒不老的存在,但我本人却是会变老消亡的。年龄越大,我对扮演憨豆就越感到力不从心。” Mr. Bean first blundered on to television in an ITV series。 在英国一家独立电视台的荧幕上,憨豆先生第一次踉踉跄跄现身。 Despite the derision of some critics, the program proved a huge ratings success, with viewing figures of more than 18 million。 虽然憨豆这个形象也不乏被批评家们嘲笑,但是,这一节目却带来了极高的收视率,拥有180多万观众。 The two films, Bean: The Ultimate Disaster Movie in 1997 and Mr. Bean's Holiday four year ago, earned 305 million worldwide。 1997年的《憨豆先生:终极灾难大电影》和四年前的《憨豆的黄金周》这两部电影在全球获得了3.05亿英镑的票房。 网友评论