十大最变态吉尼斯世界纪录挑战你的极限(组图)Kim Goodman
American Kim Goodman popped her eyeballs 0.47 inches out of her skull。 美国人金·古德曼将眼球瞪出头盖骨0.47英寸(约等于1.2厘米)。 Garry Turner
Brit Garry Turner stretched his skin 6.25 inches。 英国人加里•特纳把自己的皮拉长6.25英寸(约等于16厘米)。 Lucky Diamond Rich
New Zealand Native Lucky Diamond Rich has been 100% covered in tattoos。 新西兰人卢基•戴尔蒙德•里奇全身上下没有一处无纹身(小编注:眼皮和牙龈处也不例外哦~)。 John Evans
John Evans managed to balance a 352-pound Mini on his head for 33 seconds。 约翰·埃文斯把重达352磅(约等于350斤)的迷你库帕顶在头上坚持了33秒。 Juha Rasanen
Finnish Juha Rasanen threw a person weighing 132 lb a distance of 5.40m on a mattress。 芬兰人Juha Rasanen把一个重约132斤的人在气垫上扔出5.4米远。 Jackie Bibby
Jackie Bibby, a.k.a The Texas Snake Man, sat in a bathtub with 87 snakes for 45 minutes。 德克萨斯州蛇人,杰奇•毕比在浴缸中与87条蛇共存45分钟。 Chayne Hultgren
The Space Cowboy a.k.a Chayne Hultgren, was able to pull 907 pounds with his eye sockets。 太空牛仔,赫尔特格伦能用眼眶拖动重907磅(约等于907斤)的东西。 Oliver Gratzer
Oliver Gratzer of Austria managed to throw 24 domestic appliances in one minute。 奥地利人Oliver Gratzer可以在一分钟内扔出24台家电。 Brian Duffield
Englishman Brian Duffield ate an entire raw onion in 1 minute, 29 seconds。 英国人布莱•恩达菲尔德在1分29秒内吃下一整个生洋葱。 the Ascension Eagles Cheerleaders
14 members of the Ascension Eagles Cheerleaders squeezed into a standard Smart Car。 提升鹰啦啦队的14个队员挤进了一辆标准smart车。 网友评论