德国森林走出神秘男孩 自称在密林生活5年(图)![]() Germany's mystery English-speaking “forest boy” is said to be having trouble adjusting to conventional life。 据报道,出现在德国的讲英语的神秘森林男孩Ray无法适应正常的传统生活。 Sources close to the case claim he is having difficulty sleeping in a proper bed and wants to return to the wild。 据知情人士透露,Ray现在躺在正常的床上就睡不着觉,他想要回归自然。 Other creature comforts, such as soap, hot showers, and running water, are also “unsettling” the youngster。 其他衣食住行的物质享受像肥皂、热水淋浴、自来水等,也会让这个森林少年感到心烦不安。 Known only as Ray, and believed to be around 17, the boy is thought to have spent at least five years sleeping rough in woods south of the German capital。 目前掌握的关于森林男孩的信息很少,只知道他叫Ray, 大概17岁,在德国首都柏林南部森林里住了至少有五年时间。 He handed himself in to officials on September 5, and was carrying a rucksack, tent and sleeping bag。 9月5日他出现在柏林主动向相关人员寻求帮助,他随身只带着旅行包、帐篷和睡袋。 He told police his father had recently died after a fall and he had buried him in a shallow grave. He then walked north for a fortnight for help until he got to the German capital。 Ray 告诉德国警方自己的父亲最近因高处坠落死亡,他把父亲掩埋后就一直朝北走了两个星期寻求帮助,一直到他到达德国首都柏林。 Despite the bizarre nature of the story, police have said it is credible. The source said it was “unsurprising” the teenager found a soft bed so unusual if he had been sleeping rough for so long。 虽然Ray的故事听起来很古怪神秘,但是德国警方表示相信故事的可信性。据有关人士透露,如果这孩子真的在野外生活了那么久,那就不奇怪他看到柔软的床会觉得很古怪的反应了。 “He has indicated that he would be far more comfortable on the forest floor and would prefer to return there to sleep,” the source added。 知情人士还透露,Ray已经表示他睡在森林的地上会觉得更舒服,想要回到那里去睡觉。 The boy claimed that his father – identified only as Ryan - had taken him into the woods south of Berlin after his mother, Doreen, died in a car crash。 关于少年父亲的信息目前只知道他叫Ryan。男孩说自己的父亲在母亲Doreen死于车祸后就带着自己来到柏林南部的森林中生活。 Now detectives have begun a search for the grave, or any other place where Ryan’s body might be lying。 目前警方已经派出探员寻找Ray口中的埋葬父亲的坟墓,或者其他可能的Ryan的葬身之处。 The boy is unable to tell them exactly where he buried his father, but claimed he “followed his compass northwards”。 男孩无法指出他埋葬父亲的确切位置,只表示是“按照指南针的指示在北边”埋葬了父亲。 In the meantime, they are trying to make Ray a ward of court, so that an official can be appointed to make important decisions on his behalf。 同时,警方也在申请Ray成为法院监护的未成年人,这样可以任命相关人员代表Ray做一些重要的决定。 DNA, fingerprint and dental records can also then be handed over to Interpol so that his records can be checked against those of missing children。 这样的话,德国警方也能将Ray的DNA、指纹和牙科记录递交给国际刑警,希望在儿童失踪人口记录中核对男孩的信息。 A police spokesman confirmed that a search had started for Ryan’s grave after the boy said that he was buried under stones “two weeks south of Berlin”。 警方发言人证实,自从少年表示在把父亲埋在乱石堆下之后朝北走了两个星期达到柏林,警方就已经开始寻找少年父亲的葬身之处。 Police are baffled by the case, but say that everything Ray has told them so far adds up。 这一事件令德国警方十分苦恼,但他们目前为止已经根据Ray的描述大致弄清整个故事。 Officials believe the teenager could be British because he speaks English but only basic German. The British Consul is also working with police to try to solve the mystery。 德国官方认为森林男孩来自英国,因为他说英语,但是只会一点基本的德语。英国领事馆正在与德国警方合作希望可以解决难题。 Ray, who is 5ft 11ins, with blond hair, is in good physical shape and had no signs of abuse apart from a small scar that was at least three years old。 森林男孩Ray身高5英尺11英寸,有一头金黄色头发,目前身体状况良好,除了身上一个三年多的旧伤疤外,没有其他受过虐待的迹象。 (鲁西西 译 来源:mail online) 网友评论