
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年09月21日 11:49   沪江英语
Ellery 和Bowen为猫咪Tom造的扶梯Ellery 和Bowen为猫咪Tom造的扶梯


  Adrienne Ellery’s tabby cat Tom has been getting on in years. He’s 11-years-old and arthritis has made his joints creaky and his bones tired。

  Adrienne Ellery的花猫Tom逐渐老了。它11岁了,患有关节炎,骨头疲倦。

  Like other elderly animals suffering from arthritis, Tom can’t jump like he used to and the garden fence that blocks his passage into the wide world beyond the garden proved to be too much for him。


  That’s when Ellery’s boyfriend, Gareth Bowen decided to build a spiral staircase for the impaired cat which allows him to scale the fence in steps instead of leaping it a single bound like a feline Superman。

  Ellery的男友,Gareth Bowen决定给这只体弱受损的猫咪做一个螺旋的扶梯,这样它就能顺着扶梯一步步翻过栅栏,而不是像过去像一个超人神猫一样跳跃几下就能翻过去。

  According to Ellery and Bowen, Tom learned how to use to staircase quickly which proves that cats are intelligent – a dog would never figure it out. Tom mounts the stairs daily to exercise and socialize with the neighborhood cats。

  Ellery 和Bowen说, Tom 很快就学会怎样快速地爬过栅栏,证明这只猫咪还是很聪明的,狗是永远学不会的。Tom现在每天爬扶梯锻炼身体,以及找邻院的猫咪玩。

  (来源: buzzaurus)



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