阿富汗前总统拉巴尼遇袭身亡 塔利班称负责(图)阿富汗前总统拉巴尼遇袭身亡
The former Afghan president Burhanuddin Rabbani was killed in a suicide bomb attack on his home close to the American embassy in Kabul on Tuesday。 本周二,阿富汗前总统布尔汉丁·拉巴尼在首都喀布尔靠近美国大使馆的住所里,遭遇自杀式炸弹袭击身亡。 Burhanuddin Rabbani had been heading a government peace council set up to build contacts with the Taliban。 拉巴尼是阿富汗政府和平委员会的主席,该组织主要负责建立与塔利班的联系和沟通工作。 Four of his bodyguards also died and a key presidential adviser was wounded。 拉巴尼的四名保镖也在爆炸中身亡,和平委员会的一位高级顾问在爆炸中身受重伤。 President Hamid Karzai cut short a visit to the U.S. over the attack, which dealt a harsh blow to peace efforts after a decade of war。 事件发生后,阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊提前结束了美国之行。此次事件沉重打击了阿富汗在连年战乱后的为和平所做出的努力。 The turban bomber entered Rabbani's house in the capital Kabul on Tuesday evening and blew himself up inside, Mohammad Zahir, the chief of criminal investigation for the Kabul police。 喀布尔警方的犯罪调查科负责人穆罕默德·查希尔表示,自杀式袭击者将爆炸物藏在头巾里,于周二晚上来到拉巴尼位于首都喀布尔的家里,成功引爆了炸弹。 Rabbani headed the country's High Peace Council, which was set up by the Afghan government to work toward a political solution to the decade-long war. However, it had made little headway since it was formed a year ago。 拉巴尼一直领导阿富汗高级和平委员会,阿富汗政府建立此机构的目的是想实现长期内战后的政治和解,但该组织自建立一年多以来,并未取得很大进展。 Rabbani was president of the Afghan government that preceded the Taliban rule. After he was driven from Kabul in 1996, he became the nominal head of the Northern Alliance, mostly minority Tajiks and Uzbeks, who swept to power in Kabul after the Taliban's fall. Rabbani is an ethnic Tajik。 拉巴尼在塔利班武装夺取政权前担任阿富汗总统。1996年拉巴尼被塔利班组织赶下台后,成为“北方联盟”的领导人,该组织成员多为少数民族塔吉克人和乌兹别克人。拉巴尼是塔吉克人。塔利班组织被推翻后,该组织掌握着喀布尔的政权。 His killing dampens hopes of starting peace negotiations with Taliban insurgents and also will hamper efforts to keep regional and ethnic rivalries, which feed the insurgency, in check。 此次刺杀事件将会令阿富汗与塔利班叛乱者开始和谈的希望暗淡,同时也会妨碍阿富汗为控制地区和民族纷争做出的努力。地区和民族纷争是造成阿富汗叛乱的重要原因。 As one of the wise old man of Afghan politics and the leader of the anti-Taliban Northern Alliance, Rabanni's role in the attempts to reach out to the Taliban and seeking a political deal with them - with the U.S. blessing - will be hard to replicate in the near future。 作为阿富汗政坛的长者和智者,同时又是反对塔利班政权组织北方联盟的领导人,拉巴尼在美国的支持下,多次与塔利班组织接触以期达成政治协定。他的重要角色在不久的将来将无人能复制。 His death could unleash a well of resentment building up among some senior Northern Alliance members, who accuse President Hamid Karzai of colluding with the Taliban。 拉巴尼遇袭事件将会在北方联盟主要成员间引发广泛的怨恨情绪,他们指责阿富汗现总统哈米德·卡尔扎伊与塔利班组织勾结共谋此次事件。 Already Afghanistan's ethnic minorities have begun to re-arm in the face of negotiations with the Taliban. Rabbani's death is likely to accelerate the re-arming and lay the foundation for a bitter civil war once U.S. troops leave the country in 2014. 即使在与塔利班的和谈的推进过程中,阿富汗少数民族也已开始重新武装。拉巴尼的死很有可能会加速重新武装的进程,为美军2014年撤出阿富汗后会可能出现的艰苦内战奠定基础。 (鲁西西 译 来源:mail online) 网友评论