双语:印度一列车方向搞错行驶980公里(图)![]() More than a thousand furious rail passengers stormed a station office after they noticed the train they were on had gone 980km in the WRONG direction。 As the packed service pulled into the Indian city of Warangal people on board went berserk as they realised they were five hours away from where they should have been and no staff on board had noticed。 The train departed the southern town of Tirupati heading for the eastern city of Bhubaneswar。 It was when it arrived at an interchange at Vijayawada it went wrong, as it was due to swing north to its eventual destination of Varanasi, one of India's holiest cities。 India's signalling system is run on codes but instead of entering the three-letters for its next intended stop Bhubaneswar (BBS) staff put in the code for Bilaspur (BSP) sending the train in completely the wrong direction。 Experts were amazed the service did not crash as it went for 600 miles on the completely wrong track。 "Though the journey was agonising, we thank our stars that the train did not run into another train," an angry passenger said。 Embarrassed staff, some of whom were apparently asleep on that leg of the journey, also blamed an unfamiliar route because they were running a special service to Varanasi and many had never been there before。 据英国《每日邮报》9月20日报道,在印度,一千多名愤怒的铁路旅客冲进车站办公室,因为他们的列车沿着错误的方向行驶了980公里。 这趟满载的列车行驶到印度南部城市瓦朗加尔时,列车上的的人们发狂了,因为他们意识到列车沿着错误方向行驶了五个小时的路程,而车上的工作人员竟没有一个人注意到。 该趟列车本是由南部小镇蒂鲁帕蒂驶向东部城市布巴内斯瓦尔方向的。 这是当它抵达中转站维杰亚瓦达时就出错了,由于它的方向转至北方,致其最终目的地成了印度的宗教圣地瓦拉纳西。 印度的传信系统是按照一定的代码运行,但是发送列车代码的工作人员错把BBS发成了BSP,三个字母之差,就把原本的终点站布巴内斯瓦尔(BBS)换成了比拉斯布尔(BSP),是列车行驶了完全错误的方向。 专家们惊奇不已这趟列车竟然没有撞车,因为它完全错误方向的轨道行驶了足足600英里。 “虽然这趟旅程让人烦恼,但所幸的是我们的列车竟然没有撞上另一列车。”一个乘客愤怒地说。 工作人员们很尴尬,因为他们中的一些显然在旅途中睡大觉,还抱怨路线有些陌生,原来因为他们正在进行一次去往瓦拉纳西的特殊之旅,这可是许多之前从未去过的城市。 网友评论