世界上最矮的女人:身高2英尺的拉拉队长(图)布丽奇特•约旦 世界上最矮的女人
A dancing, cheerleading 2ft tall American has been named world's shortest living woman by Guinness World Records。 Bridgette Jordan, 22, from Sandoval, Illinois, stands 2ft 3in (69cm) and also holds the record for shortest living siblings with her 20 year-old brother Brad。 Standing at a comparatively lofty 3ft 2in (96.5cm), Mr Jordan lists his hobbies as basketball, karate and gymnastics. While music-lover Ms Jordan also likes to stay active and often spends time dancing and cheerleading。 On her record-breaking achievement Ms Jordan said: "It feels awesome. It's great to be small. I believe that everyone should be confident in themselves." Her brother added:"Hopefully this will go a little way to helping people realise it's Okay to be different." The siblings, who have primordial dwarfism, live with their parents in Sandoval and study at Kaskaskia College。 Both Jordan siblings feature in the Guinness World Records 2012. 据英国《每日电讯报》9月20日报道,一美国人赢得了吉尼斯世界纪录——“世界健在的最矮女人”的称号。这位身高2英尺的女士还是一名舞者兼拉拉队长。 22岁的布丽奇特•约旦来自伊利诺斯州的桑多瓦尔市,身高2英尺3寸(69厘米),她还与她20岁的弟弟保持了“健在的最矮姐弟”的纪录。 约旦先生相对高些,身高3英尺2寸(96,5厘米),爱好篮球、空手道和体操。而约旦女士则是音乐爱好者,她喜欢保持活跃(的状态),常常用跳舞和带领拉拉队来打发时间。 关于她打破纪录的壮举,约旦女士表示:“这感觉酷毙了,长的矮也不错,我觉得每个人都应该对自己有信心。” 她弟弟补充说:“希望这能起到一点点作用,帮助人们意识到与众不同也没什么。” 这对天生患有侏儒症的姐弟和他们的父母住在桑多瓦尔市,就读于卡斯卡斯基亚大学。 姐弟俩都将出现在2012年吉尼斯世界纪录上。 网友评论