15条忠告让你的网恋更给力:相信直觉保护自己1) Use common sense and pay attention to your gut reaction. This is often the Holy Spirit in you, warning you that things may not be right。 1)运用常识,相信直觉。这是你内心的真正感受,会提醒你事情是不是有点不对劲了。 2) If he or she sounds too good to be true, he or she probably is to good to be true and isn’t being truthful on his or her profile。 2)如果对方好得有点不真实了,那么就应该质疑一下他/她的身份的真实性了。 3) Listen and watch (by video) for signs of a temper, control, etc. and run for the hills if you sense this person needs therapy first. You aren’t going to change him or her. Let the person get help。 3)听一听,看一看(通过视频)对方的性格脾气。如果你觉得这个人有点不太正常,那就赶紧撤吧。你可没必要去改变他/她,让他/她自己想办法吧。 4) Use a free email account with family name and something else. This way a person cannot search all your personal details。 4)用你的姓氏开通一个免费的电子邮箱,防止别人来搜索你的个人信息。 5) Ask for a RECENT picture and encourage the person to send candid shots for more realism. You don’t want major surprises when you meet. Awkward! 5)问对方要一张他/她的近照,最好是生活照,这样更真实。你也不想在见面的时候,对方是恐龙或青蛙吧,见光死啊! 6) If any one asks for money, do not give it. Most likely you are being scammed。 6)如果对方问你要钱,千万别给!十有八九是来骗钱的。 7) Don’t reveal details of your personal life too soon and be careful what you reveal。 7)别太快把自己的生活细节泄露给对方,多留意自己都说了些什么。 8) Paid services usually have more safety and screening procedures than free。 8)付费的婚恋网站往往比免费的更安全,审核程序也更严格。 9) If you do have a home phone, don’t give out the number. Use your cell phone。 9)不要给对方家庭电话,给他/她手机号码就行。 10) Some people have a great deal of social awkwardness at meeting others. If you meet and it feels awkward, you may want to give it another chance to see if the person settles down and is interesting。 10)有些人在面对陌生人时会很紧张,表现糟糕。如果对方在见面时是这样的,再给他/她一次机会,看看对方的人品怎样,是不是风趣幽默。 11) Meet in a public space the first time。 11)第一次见面安排在公共场所。 12) Don’t use a provocative handle to get interest. The interest you get is not the kind of interest you want。 12)不要用轻佻的言行引起对方的兴趣,这样激起的兴趣不是你想要的那种。 13) Don’t go into questionable chat rooms。 13)不要进那些有问题的聊天室。 14) Use Skype (and other visual media) to actually see each other if the relationship progresses. You get more information when you can observe nonverbal behavior。 14)如果你们的关系有所进展的话,用Skype等视频聊天工具面对面地交流,你可以从非语言的行为中获得更多的信息。 15) Think about how your photos may be used. Once you send them to the cyberspace, people can use them however they want. And get permission from any person who might be in a photo with you. Better yet, crop that person out of the photo. It violates his or her privacy。 15)慎用照片。一旦你把照片上传到网络,人们就可以任意使用它了。如果是与别人一起的合照,要事先征求对方意见,要不然就直接把别人从照片上裁掉,不要泄露别人的隐私。 网友评论