罗伯特-帕丁森心情不好 狗仔队险遭“海扁”(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年09月28日 16:00   沪江英语

  Robert Pattinson is having a no good very bad day! The 25-year-old actor was photographed coming out of a meeting at the International Creative Management Talent Agency in LA on Sept. 26 and he got so upset that he balled up his fist and starting advancing towards an X17 photographer. But luckily a friend of Rob’s calmed him down before he made a huge mistake!


  “Rob already seemed to be in a bad mood as he was leaving ICM,” the photographer tells X17. “I was just standing there, taking his picture, not saying anything, not getting too close and he just went off. He clenched his fist and got ready to hit me, but his friend told him to stop and calmed him down。”




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