Rio 里约大冒险 Riois a new animated film from the makers of the Ice Age movies. This one is set in Rio de Janeiro and follows a macaw bird who learns he is not the last one of his kind。 该片是《冰河世纪》的制作方的最新动画大片。背景是在里约热内卢,讲述的是一只非常稀有的金刚鹦鹉鸟发现自己原来不是同类中的最后一只,于是开始了他的冒险故事…… 非洲猫科
African Cats 非洲猫科 African Cats is a nature documentary film about several lions and cheetahs trying to survive on the African savannah. It referred to as a "true life adventure," tells the true story of two animal families in the wild by using real-life footage。 该片是一部关于几只狮子和猎豹如何在非洲大草原上生存的真实故事,被誉为“真正的生活历险记”,讲述了两个动物家庭在野外的真实生活。 毕业舞会
Prom 毕业舞会 It's being billed as a comedy but expect lots of high school relationship drama to abound in this film about the big night。 这是一部青春喜剧电影,在毕业舞会的这一天,这些高中生们的不安与秘密又将有怎样的结局呢。 加勒比海盗4:惊涛怪浪
Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides 加勒比海盗4:惊涛怪浪 Yes, we're up to number four in the Pirates of the Caribbean series. Apparently, Captain Jack Sparrow searches for the fountain of youth in this latest story。 我们终于盼来了加勒比海盗4,毫无疑问,在这最后一部中,我们要看杰克船长如何大显身手寻找不老泉。 功夫熊猫2
Kung Fu Panda 2 功夫熊猫2 Expect more of the lovable Panda from the first Kung Fu Panda. He's now a kung fu master on a new adventure to fight evil。 从功夫熊猫1到功夫熊猫2,我们期待看到熊猫阿宝更多可爱逗趣的场面。现在,阿宝已经是位功夫大师了,而他也将踏上新的征程去对付邪恶力量。 网友评论